I love the payment change. I’m glad they did this. Use PayPal like the rest of the world.
So I read the bliz payment change. Can only pay in 2 month blocks. Pay is still $15 a month, a total of $30 a shot.
Why the rage? What if the bliz made you pay a yearly fee? Or a 2 year contract commitment? (hello, cellphones)
If I take my family out to applebee’s, the bill is $75. So a measly $15 a month for endless hours of fun (if you ain’t having fun, stop playing) is cheap entertainment.
Speaking of entertainment, what is your monthly cable/satellite bill? I had to sign a contract for that too.
as always in the end makes no difference. people crack me up in wow with all these conspiracies they sware blizz is doing. say what you want all the crazy posts left here and hatred that went on for awhile abut the way it was set up with 6 month and everything else some change had to be done wouldn’t you say? this changes nothing omg 2 month if i gotta do that i can’t do it lol. americans throw away 30 dollars nonstop throw away 1000’s of dollars on overpriced graphic cards and brag about it lol. it changes nothing
I am NOT committing to 2 months… guess Blizzard wants to lose someone who’s been subbed since Alpha/Beta Vanilla.
But you’ve already committed 17 years…
Its been a dumpster fire since WOTLK… pure garbage. I’m not committing 2 months at a time! …and where is my monkey!
you said all of that to say nothing. a contract with att or a bill at applebees(who eats at applebees and tries to flex about it?) has nothing to do with a bad quality of life change for a companies player base.
You left out the part where I don’t like being forced to leave my CC saved places as you pulled quotes poorly.
You are spot on and said a lot to be honest.
You can remove it every time you pay. I had an issue with mine last month so I picked up a throw away card at the gas station while tanking up. I added it for the month and remove it immediately. When I got my new card back from the bank, that payment option was no longer there, because once again they let you take it off if you want.
Literally a remove and a big x next to it under payment methods I just checked.
I love how dismissive folks are about there being alternatives.
Yes, I get that there are alternatives, but we shouldn’t be forced to go through these extra steps to do these alternatives when there was a better way to do it prior to this change.
A change, I might add, that has not been transparently explained and therefore just makes Blizzard look bad in one tinfoil hat way or another.
That’s where I stand on all your comments. Let’s be real here, the onus is on the consumer. You can cancel at the same time as you add that 15 for your month. You get that this is a first world problem at best?
And you just brought up one of the tinfoil hats: to just get people to forget that they’re subbed and then accidentally stay subbed.
Texas called. Consumer responsibility = anti-consumer practicies. Some folks in Texas have thousands of dollars of electric bills now that are “their fault” even though forcing them to “shop around” was really the cause. They thought they had a good deal but once they were locked in they didn’t go and monitor it like a hawk. I don’t know about you, but IMHO one shouldn’t have to watch their electric company like they’re your stock portfolio.
I just subbed (and unsubbed) from HBO Max to watch the Snyder cut. It’s totally possible to do that, but when you have an option, and you don’t explain adequately why you’re taking it away, that’s on Blizzard for being poor communicators and can’t be hand-waved away or dismissed as “ah, but you have alternatives”.
I don’t care that I have alternatives. I want to know why I’m being forced to use those alternatives instead of the way I’ve procured game time for many years. Otherwise, the tinfoil hats win and folks will think the worst about Blizzard.
The least I deserve from Blizzard is the respect to be told why. I’m certainly not going to go and believe the “it’s anti-botter” theory any more than the “it’s to trick people” theory without them saying so.
Ok but here’s the thing. If you are upping it EVERY MONTH, you know the drill.
Like any other sub service. I think you are wanting to believe that people are more stupid than what they are. If you are going in monthly which you claim to be, how is it their fault you didn’t cancel?
Again, be a responsible consumer. The world is not on the hook for you not paying attention, and all you need to do is turn on any court tv show to know that, don’t even need a law degree.
You can do this here too, and remove your method of payment immediately as I told you earlier, the same thing you are describing here.
Stop editing my god! You have added 3 more paragraphs that all parrot the same thing, everyone else is responsible for you not paying attention.
LOL. Oh, I’m sorry I’m not spamming the thread and instead adding to it when I’m the capstone post.
Your dismissiveness and lack of listening yet again proves that you’re here to troll on Blizzard’s behalf rather than have an actual conversation though, so good day.
And your lack of personal responsibility is your issue and yours alone. It’s not on everyone else to monitor what you spend and since you claim you were able to do it just fine with HBO I am wondering how you can’t figure it out here when there are literal boxes with giant Xs to do the same here?
Happy WoWing!
Ah, here’s a key thing you’re missing: you can’t sub from the launcher. That means that now, to get 30 days of game time, you have to individually log into every account that wants it (my family has a lot of them), and then go from there.
Before this change I was in full control of my kids’ accounts. They’ve added extra layers that has nothing to do with consumer responsibility (which seems to be your only soap box) and everything to do with consumer annoyance.
Just because there are alternatives doesn’t mean that the best option for some people hasn’t been removed arbitrarily. No amount of dismissiveness or making up excuses changes that.
And that’s what they hope people will do lol Well played gizzard, well played lol.
As someone who pays $12/month every 6 months, I guess my bill to keep playing just went up…or am I missing something?
74 likes by people who don’t understand how voluntary compliance to contracts work