I don't want Priomridial Wave (Ele Farseer Hero Talent)

Just gauging how alone I am here, but I do PvP and like my single target Lava proc build. I’d be open to doing an EB heavy one too, but I don’t want Primordial Wave.

I have no need or desire to play a multi-target build and I feel like Primordial Wave disrupts my rotation and clutters my already busy bar because, like you guys, I’m a shaman. Obviously talents are subjective and I’m sure some people love it, but it just doesn’t click with me or how I play.

Overall, I think that it’s a really bizare choice to have the whole ele/resto tree (probably the most popular combo) be based around a move that not everyone likes or takes.

Anyone else on the same page? Specifically PvP ele I guess, and I’ll shut up if everyone else actually does love Primordial Wave, but really huge letdown that I’m basically already short a tree for WW (one that I was excited for too!)


Looking at statistics, pwave is currently taken at a near 100% rate for high end play. PVE and PVP.

Yeah, because you HAVE to.


Yes. Because its that good?

Thats sorta my point?

Being forced to take a certain talent because its numerically the strongest doesn’t mean people like the playstyle.


PWave is so important right now because of their tier set. It makes the speed play much faster and more fun, but when things are off cooldown it can be brutal.



The person in question said they didnt have a need to use pwave.

I guess they do.

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“Good” numerically and “good” mechanically are different things. The point of the topic is that the person doesn’t want to use PW for mechanical and gameplay reasons. So quoting statistics means jack.


I get what you’re getting at homie, and you may be a super BA shaman, but I’m just a regular one. I’ve gotten my Arena set every season without PWave and never felt like taking it would make things more fun or make me stronger because my brain just isn’t wired for it.

I’ve also played Shamans a long time without PW and gotten along just fine, it feels bad that a relatively new move (that I don’t like oc, full bias) is now becoming the central focus of my spec. I hope that makes sense


I love P-Wave. Multi blasting LvB is awesome. But I don’t think it should be part of a hero tree. They should use “forever” skills that have been part of the core class forever. We’ve had Pwave for 3-4 years only. Use LvB, flame shock, lightning, etc. ok with Riptide also.

Look at the warrior trees. They effect shield slam, mortal strike, execute, overpower, etc. core stuff.

Perhaps there is an ele redesign moving Pwave up the tree to the top? Idk seems weird.


It makes sense.

But if you want to drastically nerf yourself, thats ok too.

Because you are forced into it…

Yes. I get that.

I am not the person saying they have absolutely no need for it.

I’m gonna be honest, PWave just makes me think of shadowlands and how much I hate shadowlands, if they reskin it, I’d probably use it.


They did reskin it, just this last patch. It looks every elemental-y now.


Alright man lol. I’m more than willing to take that L, I don’t really care about how my DPS or playstyle stacks up, I really just started this thread to see how other people feel about the move being mandatory, not how many people use it.

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If it’s mandatory it should be baseline or at the top of the tree.

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I don’t take it. But i don’t do comp. It feels sucky to use.

I don’t like Pwave because you have to set it up. Flame shock a bunch of enemies and then hit pwave to get the chain lightning thing. Na. I always have to many moves to deal with on my bar that i have to take to get some passive talents i want. i HAVE to take sundering so i can get feral lunge which is stupid.

With how the tree is set up Shaman might as well get all of its abilities baseline and not even have a talent tree with how badly its put together.

This is one of my biggest gripes with the tree. There are other spells that thematically make more sense that are no where to be seen (ancestral guidance, astral shift, spirit walk, spirit link, etc.) Instead they chose a shadowlands skill that only recently got a reskin to even be shaman related. I think they really missed the mark having this tree revolving around pwave.