I don't want kill shot

I dislike the kill shot, please free up the kill shot talent and allow me to take concussive shot instead.

Also OP is hot I agree with him

I’d also include Cataclysm, and I’d have notes about 6.2 WoD with instant Aimed Shot.

For PvE Cata MM may get a pass. That’s a cool outlier, especially where it involves gear.

Based off your final comment sounds like you should go play a caster that has cast timers on everything.

Didn’t we have two charges of Kill Shot in the past?

Myself being new to MM, just playing it some of DF (even though I played wow for 14 years total, Off and On) I enjoyed pvp before Pre-Patch with MM for DF because SS, RP, Aimed Shot, and Kill Shot were the 4 simple things to use to take lives. Lots of creative expression available for CC and Silences, but ST or AoE were easy to execute.

If someone played MM for years more than I have, and have the opinion that they prefered other versions of MM more, I respect their opinions. I just don’t have that same experience to understand what it was they liked from past builds.

In DF PvP, while not playing MM, I saw MM topping damage charts, killing specs I was playing with seemingly little effort from very far away. I figured, I can do that. Logged off, made a lev 1 hunter, used a boost I had from buying TWW deluxe, sent the hunter Honor, set him up with PvP recommended stats and talents, and topped damage on my very first BG as MM. So yeah, definitely enjoyed my DF MM experience. SS pre-nerf, AS, RF and KS hit too hard not to have fun using them.

you okay bud?

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