I don't want kill shot

It was the last expansion that did RNG right for Markses. They changed how Marked Shots worked by buffing their damage but not using Vulnerability. I can argue it was a great system in its time.

Shadowlands gave MM a great comeback and DF kept it well too, I think. We had to slog through BFA(and I think I’d skip Classic BFA because) to get what we have now.

Nah, Vulnerability was RNG trash.

If you want build up, Cata/MoP MM (with old Master Marksman) is better.

If you want RNG, SL or DF (with Lock and Load/Surging Shots) is better.

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I hate Cata MM. I think the dead zone is what ruined it for me, so I’ll do it up in Mists.

I LOVE Killshot.

Dead zone hasn’t been a thing since TBC ~2.3.

If you mean the ability to melee, idk what to tell you, more options (especially options you can put enchants on) are better than less options.

Whatever you call 5-40 yd ranged abilities lol. I’ve had my fill of getting …

by all the melee, and even other ranged classes that can just close in.

I call them ranged abilities.

They used to be 8yd minimum range. The dead zone is referring to the 5-8yd gap where you can use neither melee nor ranged attacks.

Ah, yes. This must be a different dead zone that under 5, you’re just dead because you can’t do scat except lay traps and cast KC in Cata Classic.

The last eight weeks has been horribad. Finally, I can put it down after I farmed all the gold I wanted.

And Raptor Strike, Wing Clip, Mongoose Bite, Disengage, FD+Camo…

Kill shot has been in the game for years and years. Not sure why you think it just came back or something

Let me take concussive shot instead, I hate kill shot and don’t want it. Also gross that season 2 tier set was based around it.

Vulnerability was gross. Floaty timed RNG debuff with most of your dps tied to it. Generally, basing a dps rotation around a non-damaging debuff is an extremely unsatisfying experience and I’m glad Marked Shots is gone.

OP: I don’t particularly like Kill Shot either, I’ve always thought it was a lame execute attack when that should have been Warriors’ signature. Would need something to replace it with, though, as the MM kit is a little thin without it. Maybe Power Shot, that was fun. Man, that was MoP. Perfect class design, back then. We peaked too soon.

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So Classic Mists, when it comes out, will just WRECK TWW?

And i dont want explosive shot forced on BM

I’m a big fan of the general design ethos of modern MM. I like that you have buff chains encouraging you to cycle abilities, I think our prepatch AoE is the best MM has ever had, I like that AiS charges let us be more free with movement and not miss a cast, I like that Lone Wolf lets me do my full damage in raids without babysitting a pet.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed that MoP remix was using DF talents and abilities.


It might still be tough to get MM mains to stay with MoP and Warlords, especially for PvP. It’s a competition of the futuristic Y20 MM vs. the Medieval(middle aged) Marksmanship.

It isn’t though.

You might be the first person I’ve seen with this take tbh. Personally I hate the BFA rework and every iteration since that has built on it is stuck with an awful core. We’d be much better off with legion mm imo.

Legion MM offered the choice between baseline damage gated by RNG, or replacing Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot with a giant cone of snakes.

Neither fits the description of a skilled marksman.

This can only mean that September 25th, 2012–August 29th, 2016 was the true Golden Age of Marksman Hunter. I know that must have made those salty BM mains angry, despite that those years were golden for every Hunter spec.

Sweet Home Mists and Warlords…where the skies are so blue…