I don't want kill shot

I don’t want kill shot as MM hunter (but am forced to take it)

What’s the point of having talents if we’re stuck with spells we don’t want?


Why on earth would you not want Kill Shot as MM…

What’s wrong with you!?


Whats the point in playing a spec if you don’t like the abilities that are essential to its kit


This man hates instant abilities that hit hard.


It was not essential when I got into the spec. Then they brought it back and now it is essential. No thanks.

Free up this talent point!

Because I don’t like it.

What’s wrong with you? Probably the same things as what is wrong with me, fellow
human. Weird feet that need shoes to even walk on the ground most days

My stinky little hunter is a sniper. Good shots should take time (like aimed shot)

I called up Rick Harrison, asked for his advice, and he said, “Best I can do is Classic Legion.”

That means you have something of a ~Y2030 forecast, maybe sooner.

BM wants Kill Shot, o wait we have it. Oh thats right, its a dps loss…


Not in TWW it isn’t. Has additional interactions with our best single target build that definitely make it a dps gain.

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Is this an RP thing? That’s cool if so I just don’t get it.

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Why make an entire post about this when the only reason you dont want to take this spell even though its amazing for MM is RP reasons?

Just dont put it on your bar and BAM you no longer are capable of casting it

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You umm…I don’t…


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Kill Shot

idk man these feel pretty linked
a shot that goes for the kill feels a lot like something a master marksman would do

You sure it’s not MARKED shots and a PIERCING shot? Imagine a system like that being completely scrapped in favor of…Rapid Fire.

Amazing how Rapid Fire lasted FOUR expansions and the Vulnerability system lasted only one. Because TOO FEW appreciated what the mark in MARK-smanship actually meant.

Why have Kill Shot when you can just deliver a clipping-Vulnerable Piercing Shot that did many millions on a crit?

Leg probably had the best MM core fantasy of all Retail history, and ironically the shortest lived. Keep this in mind because Blizz wouldn’t have changed it if not for the masses…

The same masses that should have THEIR OWN CLASS that doesn’t INCLUDE MM and SV specs.

You shut your mouth. You want the days without Kill Shot go play classic.

Legion was the best Kill Shot-less expansion, and we might get it for Classic.

I think he’ll love Classic Legion lol. He might also love getting dat handed to him by OP leggos and OP artifacts of other classes too…

You aren’t “forced to take it” its given to you by default, you start with it. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.


You dont even take kill shot talents in m+, and playing mm on st is trolling.

Yeah man, and aimed shot too? WTF is that garbage


Reminds me of the paladin that I saw that didn’t like to use wake of ashes…

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Nah, vulnerability was RNG trash.

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