I don't want a pet eagle

Weren’t you one of the people saying you don’t want MM to lose pets?


I don’t want the spec to lose that option.

I also don’t want the petless crowd to be forced into an eagle pet.

See how this fix isn’t a fix?


Look I just want to know when we will be able to tame vulpera. Is it this patch or has that been delayed again?

Dangit I keep wanting to use a Eagly clip from Peacemaker but John Cena keeps sneaking swears at the last second

Not gonna lie. If I swap to MM I need NEED an audio addon that starts playing team americas song when the eagle spawns. X’D

glad to see you’re out making more of these threads. I genuinely hope blizzard listens to you in the next five weeks and somehow comes to their senses to not remove pets from marksman hunters. maybe they could just buff the class instead. or maybe they’ve actually put close to a year of redesign time into this and have no intention of backing down. Who knows? :man_shrugging:t3:

You really went off the rails here… :smile:

j/k j/k

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All the new talent and rotation changes don’t need to change again to incorporate a pet…

The eagle is only being used for utility spells that required a pet, like intimidate and sac. And other silly procs at an attempt to make us like it.

It’s possible to want to maintain player agency while not wanting to partake in it yourself. Shocking I know.

If this is the result of year’s worth of budgeted resources, dear lord this company is in dire straits.

I think you’re using the word forced wrong. unless somebody is physically making you play that spec, you have dozens of other classes and specs to choose from.

Yeah, I really don’t like the idea of having to have an eagle. I have hunters where that would fit, and I have others where that wouldn’t fit at all.