Heh. Blizzard probably see the eagle as a compromise - like Frost Mage Water Elemental effectively reverting to its BC/Wrath state just with a shorter duration but also short CD.
The thing about compromises is that no one is happy. Really odd when it’s possible to appease both groups just by having them choose a talent.
Guess you are going BM. Maybe they’ll give you talents so that you can just have the one pet? Would be nice if they’d give some options instead of everyone feeling forced to use BM’s current kit…
We will stop playing Hunters. It’s quite simple. Speaks volumes.
And when the elitists that continue to play see that they don’t have the common smuck to compare their numbers to, they will see that were bad all along. And no amount of changes will accommodate that.
just to get this straight, is the new eagle “built in” to the class now or is a talent choice?
is it always out and present or do you have to summon it? or does it appear on proc?
yeah so its on proc, so basically you’ll barley notice its there for a few seconds till the effect fades.
Ive seen a few threads on this and currently I have Murder of Crows active and if I had the option I would still choose my murder of crows over a single eagle. but whatever, its barley going to be noticeable anyways for the few seconds its up.
so, meh.
Can BM fired a big honking arrow? Can it rapid fire a bunch of arrows at once? What about explosive-tipped arrows?
Imagine if, hear me out, MM had the option to tame and summon a pet of their own to use. It wouldn’t be as strong as BM, but they could still have a form of player expression and attachment to that side of the game…
I actually met Ben Franklin one day in an elevator in Indianapolis, Indiana.
It was about 3am, and there was a tubby fellow with no hair above his ears in the elevator. He had a Founding Fathers Society shirt on, and a Freemasons pin. He was very polite. I think we discussed the weather.
I cannot be convinced this was anyone else, I definitely met the actual Benjamin Franklin.
For now. It is intended to become a true pet, your only pet.
Heck, given this direction - I forsee pet taming itself going away entirely. BM will have a single pet option. SV will have a single pet option. After all, who needs to balance different pet families, and spend development time on interesting new pets to tame every expansion…
geese would be terrible. they need like a 75-100 foot runway or better to take off. their beaks are dull as a spoon.
I suppose it would be able to use the spell “intimidate” which would work fairly well though.
It would also need a scarf and goggles tmog.