Canadian Geese are terrifying creatures. The Great Canadian Cobra Death Chicken is aggressive AF and unafraid of humans especially during mating season. Their wings can break limbs, and their feet can do some serious damage as well.
I do want an Eagle.
The issue is the current PTR build is not delivering on that.
Instead we have this weird Auto Attack verse Aimed Shot damage split and the Eagle could honestly not even exist.
I’m underwhelmed personally.
But I do want to see Blizzard further develop, oppose to revert.
So you want them to make another marksman spec that doesn’t have a pet?
Many players have failed to realize that they have access to the data of how often a MM uses their pet, how often that it’s out and when it is out. And they’ve come to the conclusion that removing it from the MM spec is a better option.
I guarantee that they’re trying to reimagine other class spec, to include the outlaw rogue becoming a gunner spec (think Reaper for Overwatch).
No, we’re aware that they have the potential for such information available but that such information is also, quite clearly, biased. Do they discount solo players who have their pet out in the world? What about people idling in SW with their pet out? Is it just in combat, or out of combat metrics? At what level does MM stop using their pet?
I deal with data analysts, and they can make the data say whatever I want it to more often than not, especially with very large and noisy data sets.
Someone at Blizzard really likes birds. Look at the mage’s arcane familiar. Sudden Blizzard Bird Syndrome is a real phenomenon.
dont think so. them so weeeeeeak limbs if theyre breaking from a few batts of a goose wing.
if a goose is on the ground (which it will be if your fighting it) it needs both of the only 2 feet it has to stand up. the height a goose could possibly kick/scrape a person would only be barley above the top of a hightop hiking boot.
most thing I would be worried about is if you were hand feeding a goose and it bit you because it actually has razor sharp teeth.
thats about it.
Other than that the goose is basically a razzle n dazzle show.
but also be careful around small children
Not holding my breath.
They eventually added a glyph to de-bird the Arcane Familiar and I feel like I’m the only person to even complain about that issue.
They’ll add some custom bird options for Hunters.
I’ve never heard of geese busting limbs (in humans) but swans, who are much bigger (and less pleasent but I digress) birds are known to break each other’s limbs in fights and could almost certainly do for a human’s rib of they got a good shot.
As far as birds of prey, most people wouldn’t want to be in a closed space with an unsocialized hawk or falcon and these are tiny less than 2kg animals.
None of you would dare look a harpy eagle in the eye. An animal that certainly can crush your forearm in its grip.
You’ve never encountered a Canadian Cobra Death Chicken who’s out for blood. Those wings are strong. Remember, the Canadian goose can fly at around 40mph and are known to travel from Washington State to Wisconsin in a day. Breaking limbs are within the realm of possibility.
They can do a little run/hop and get high enough into the air to knock you backwards, then scratch you with their claws. They are quite sharp and very good at carving into you. And as I said, they’re very used to humans so aren’t as afraid of us as other wild animals are. Do not mess with a Cobra Death Chicken, especially when its goslings are about.
an average adult human shouldn’t have anything to worry about at all.
Just dont crouch down and let it get you in the face.
but if you have small children I would be very cautious. a goose could really mess up a small un-armed infant child I would imagine
nah, we just bag em and tag em here.
thats all I have to say about geese.
for now.
I’m sure they’re taking account whether the pet is out or not out regardless of where it is out or not out.
As I’ve said in many of the other threads, the only thing I’m worried about with the changes is the lack of a tank for the solo hunter. However, the more I keep thinking about it, there are many other ranged specs like the mage, that also lack a tank companion.
Because playing games that involve abruptly destroying years of player investment in their character mid-expansion is fun when it’s just a spreadsheet exercise to you. Let’s face it, the Hunter team is out of touch with most players, and only listen to a select few who in their bubble.
And forgets that Trolls, the best Hunters in the Horde if not of all, are canonically afraid of them. That’s why their Druid flight form is a bat.
Or they could take the far better approach and make it the pet they so stupidly decided to do away with instead.
Just pull it from the stable like Intimidation already does for MM when you talent into the no pet version.
Helps to read the blue posts
I don’t really care that it’s an Eagle, all I care is that I don’t have to use a pet anymore for Lust in Arenas.
blizzard doesnt care about player fantasy. they only care about developer fantasy.
I don’t want the dumb eagle either, I want my wolf, Super angry wow is making me switch specs. After trashing my favorite class I am scared to invest max level time in any of my characters anymore, Wow will just destroy it and not blink or fart.
Definitely going BM.
What…read? I wanna get angry I don’t wanna read😋
Ty by the way.