I don't use a cell phone so no Battle.net Authenticator

Honestly, everyone should. These systems are great for ensuring your account it not stolen, provided Blizzard CS doesn’t get tricked into removing them over the phone…

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Mines somewhere i think I stuck it inside one of my wow collectors edition boxes


I think it’s perfectly reasonable to be able to play a game without giving the company who made said game information on where I am, the photos on my device, and who I call (and yes all 3 of those are things the bnet app ASKED for permission to do, and refused to work if I disabled those permissions. Hence why I removed it from my phone).

So lemme spin this back on you, why are you ok with all of that?

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Don’t they already know where you are whenever you’re playing?

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They think I’m where my vpn tells them I am.


But you are perfectly fine giving them your personal data, including payment options? I bet the majority of people who make this very complaint are also active on social media or use services like Doordash or Uber, all of which you are giving more important information to.

Dude… hate to break it to you but if you used either a debit card or credit card to pay for your sub chances are Blizz already knows where you are/your address since I’m guessing these big companies share that address information on the backend

Unless you literally paid cash for physical gametime cards from a brick-n-mortar store, and used a madeup/fake name in account creation, Blizz knows the basic details (name, phone number, IP location, etc) about you

Nevermind I see you have answered others.

I’m looking at the permissions right now on my phone and it’s only showing permission for push notifications, nothing about photos or location. So press X for doubt here, just fear mongering.


Cant speak for Tovi,

But me personally don’t worry about a gaming company with that info…its not like the have people actively tracking you and looking at your pictures…

Meanwhile the government even the land down under government and Google or apple do far worse…

But hey choose right for you

I have no idea what you installed on your phone. I’m going to uninstall the authenticator right now and see if they want any of that crap.

P.s. it’s funny that you don’t want to give this info to Blizzard, but you gave it to Apple, Google, or Verizon (whatever your phone carrier is) which would do way more with that information that Blizzard would.

Exactly. I don’t remember any of this from down loading the authenticator app.

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I don’t have a physical Kindle, but I do use the kindle app on my iPad all the time due to the fact I have to be able to enlarge the font where I can read it. That’s the only reason I don’t do real books any more. Can’t find large print books in my favorite genre so I use the kindle app.

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Yeah, I just checked the .net app on my phone and the only permission enabled is notification, with the camera turned off.

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nope, they get the debit account that only ever gets money put in when I need to add more gametime, that’s tied to a p.o box in nowhere.

More assumptions, not surprised. A thief assumes everyone steals…

Having access to my address is a pretty large step down from actively knowing where I drove/walked to over the course of a day my dude, not that it applies in any case but just saying.

Yeah I’m 99% sure we give access to Blizzard to look at our files in our computer so they can catch bots and people using nefarious addons.

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Talk about assumption there buddy :slight_smile:


What in the bloody hell would they even do with that information?!?!?!?!?!?!

it’s a saying, not an assumption about you. Though with that response :slight_smile:

Uh… that’s exactly what all phones are for, conversing. Technically my current iPhone is a conversation piece if I were willing to talk to people on it.

Selling it to advertisers so they can target ads at me more effectively is on the more “honest” end of the spectrum of what they can do with that information that has already been proven to happen.