Except for the fact that they have to run the content that many times more.
For example an item with a 1% drop rate would take a single boxer on average 100 runs. It’ll take the multiboxer 300 runs to gear 3 toons with it. 400 runs to gear 4 toons.
Except for the fact that they have to run the content that many times more.
For example an item with a 1% drop rate would take a single boxer on average 100 runs. It’ll take the multiboxer 300 runs to gear 3 toons with it. 400 runs to gear 4 toons.
same amount of times unless its a single class heavy composition, and then its about the same amount of times unless we are talking pre raid bis gear
I don’t think he understands that average for something to drop doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to win it when it drops.
One person playing a mage only has to run the content Y number of times to get that item and be geared. A multiboxer with 3 mages has to run it Yx3 times. You don’t think that’s a huge disadvantage?
It also kind proves you wrong about characters falling behind on gear btw if the multiboxer chooses not to put in that effort. Thx for playing.
Sorry, wrong. One player needs to run the content Y number of times, the other person needs to run the content Y x (numberoftoons).
EDIT: But nice shifting goalposts bro!
that would be a small disadvantage
a negligible disadvantage compared to the ability to have 5 character be controlled by 1 player
unless each character needed different things from the dungeon, then it would be the same amount as running each character individually
It’s a big disadvantage, and that’s not very debetable. What’s not debatable at all is the fact that it is a disavadvantage.
So your argument is entirely based on winning every single item the first time it drops against all competition?
Also your argument is that someone gearing one player has an advantage over someone who is deciding to gear 3 players in the number of runs they have to do? Well no duh, but if their goal is only to gear one of the 3 characters than they have a huge advantage in getting that one character geared or if their goal is to get 3 characters geared, again multi has a huge advantage.
its neglibile compared to being able to concentrate 5 blizzards on one location at the direction of one player, just to give a singular example off the top of my head
The toons in a multibox are also “competing” for the gear.
So you’re saying it depends on context and that it’s actually more nuanced than you originally asserted?
I’m proud of your progress!
no competition when its just yourself choosing which character out of the 5 you should give it to
Tell you what bud. You try it out then. I’ll even pay for your subs.
I’ll bet $500 you don’t even clear one instance by the end of a month.
I never said players were competing, I said toons were competing. Do try to keep up.
thanks but obviously im not interested in your money. i dont need to do anything because ive already given video evidence 3 times of examples for my arguments that you have refused to accept as evidence
You really just read what you want to into everything don’t you.
Because outliers aren’t evidence.
yeah you can think of each character as competing for loot if you want to, it doesnt really make sense though
You just need to think more carefully before you comment bro, that’s all.
they arent outliers
Nah. I don’t think I want to have a mentality where you actually make sense.
His Schtick was entertaining for awhile, but now it is getting tedious. I wish you luck dude.