I don't understand how multiboxing is different that botting

SM is mind numbingly easy and a sole 60 Mage can do it faster.

In any part of his series does he go over his set up and how his macros work, and how he has to pilot it? He also has to remember 5 different sets of keybinds.

Uh huh.

That’s a lot of words to say “I’m mad because you’re winning”.

not at level

cant do that unless you pay for the accounts though

Of course you are, and what is it you are winning little guy? Go on, tell the mean ole incompetent Demoneye what you are winning, don’t be shy.

It’s a pity. You don’t have any actual understanding of it and are instead basing your opinion off of assumptions and what the intentionally dishonest person says.

Oh well, I got food and I’m going to enjoy it. There’s no point in staying since no one will change their mind and in the end, multiboxing is irrelevant.

thanks glad you gave your opinion

Man, ^ this guy really can’t tolerate being corrected. Fragile ego.

So explain to me how, in a group that is comprised of a tank, 3 dps, and a healer, with classic loot drops, how they are going to be undergeared compared to someone else doing the same number of runs?

Yes, my poor fragile ego can’t handle your big ole brain, you have bested me sir knight. Please have mercy or I shall not be able to live with the shame.

Sarcasm, etcetc.

Even with each DPS wanting different loot (which is actually kind of impossible), the way it works (especially with how terrible most loot tends to be) means they’ll still have to run more dungeons on average than an individual will.

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All three dps want 1 piece of loot with a 5 percent drop chance. On average it will take 60 runs to get all three people their drop, with each drop competition drops by 1.

With random groups, it is unlikely that the people running the dungeon are doing it without loot in mind unless you have a reservation system. So now are you not only dealing with the RNG drop steps, but you are dealing with a revolving door of competition.

But I am curious to see your rationale on how it is worse to have complete control of the group and loot.

So a single boxer would only have to run it 20 times you say?

Math. It’s simple.

Yes, because that is how competition works. I am in awe of your mental fortitude.

Not quite how that works, since it doesn’t take into account different drops.

Correct, but once you get your piece, you’re done. Whereas the multiboxer has to get it multiple times - or has to get different pieces from more dungeons.

Which is the same odds. Differance is that the multi boxers knows he is getting the first one, and the second one, and the third one. Or he could stop after the first one since he only wants it on his main dps character.

Single player could lose it 20 times and never get it.

I wish it would stop because as Joyson said:

The main point in discussing the program that replicates and not automates is the issue here. It shouldn’t matter if people want to call it “Botting”, “Cheating”, “a Bad Hair Day”, whatever. Until this fight stops over semantics, we can actually discuss the real problem, at hand here.

Which is the real problem, is the program that replicates. And, perhaps, nip it in the butt, already.

I’m glad you’re finally starting to see that multiboxing has big disadvantages and requires more effort and time, making it fair.

I am impressed at your ability to see words and interpret them as different words.

It’s like if a toddler saw the word “cow” and said it was “the French alps”

When did I say I thought it was a problem? I talked about what I wanted to talk about, if other people are talking about something else that is fine as well.