I dont trade gear with my group. Am i at fault?

Yea it’s a pretty scummy mentality, I understand if it’s an upgrade or even an transmog addition… but not needing it and knowing you’re never gonna use it, then refuse to give it to someone who is going to put it to good use just because he thinks it’s a “handout”

He’s everything wrong with the community.


Those people are also killing the mobs and bosses for the loot.

It isn’t like he is carrying the group. Especially not with his skill level.


It’s fine to have this attitude, but you won’t find anyone to group with you once they know you’re like that.

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Everybody is taking the bait, good job I guess.


I think the real question is why are you needing on loot you don’t need?


I think at this point some people on the forums clearly see light/contentious trolling as a game to the point where they don’t really even hide it to anyone who pays attention. This is obviously a Triiple alt who was also known to post pot stirring topics and never concede to any discussion that came out of the thread.

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So much easier to wade through the troll posts with you ignored now :slight_smile:

yes, you’re at fault. You’re a toxic player and probably need a real life, since this is probably a troll.

Sounds like a sad, lonely person that has nothing else to look forward to except trying to 1 up some poor, more deserving stranger that is unlucky with their rolls.

I feel like this last week you decided “let’s post 100 things on the wow forum about every thought I get” like this is dumb, “am I an ahole for being an ahole?” Like obviously you know the answer

Tripleyoyo your pills are still on the counter waiting to be taken, they have been for a week actually. That or you’re just a jerk, probably both.

Then go run those dungeons and raids yourself, w/o a healer and without dps geared enough to kill the bosses… if its all about you then have at it!

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MMO simply implies that you will see many players, and have the opportunity to play or interact with them. It in no way implies that you must progress faster than others. That is self imposed pal.

It depends. Did you roll need on an item you cannot use? If so, you are in the wrong.

Not only are you selfish, you have anger management issues and live in a twisted reality. BRAVO, you have it all!

True that!
But this thread definitely is. :wink:

Thats YOUR opinion and people like you are the reason all the loot belongs to me and not some terminally online weirdo begging for “upgrades”

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Trash troll is trash.

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Why do people scream troll about a serious topic…I swear the replies in this thread only make me more justified in my actions

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I feel for anyone that groups with you, and hasnt seen this post.


MMO RPG, not a single player game and it is about fun. Fun to interact with other people and progress.

If you’re needing on OS over someone’s MS that’s scumbag.

If you’re needing on something that is not an upgrade and is for someone else then that is scumbag.

Either way, the situation described, the way you described it, and posting about it means you’re likely a selfish scumbag player that will likely quit because no one will play with you sooner or later.

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Just another pve grobb slobber post,

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y’all posting in a troll thread, stop it