I don't really like the Evoker - am I alone?

Meh, I like the concept, but I just can’t seem to get into it. I’m seeing some people pulling really high numbers on theirs, yet I’m struggling, haha.
However, I mostly play melee classes so for me, playing range doesn’t really appeal to me. It’s just something different to play.

I really wish they wouldn’t have restricted the race to evoker only; I’m sure I’m not the only one that wants to have a dragon played as other classes.

To be blunt that’s not only fine but I kinda like that isn’t not everyones cup of tea, I just hope the dislike doesn’t spawn too much “omg evoker? Nope kick/decline”. The class needs a lot of work and hopefully they’ll work on making it feel more mobile and less like a squishy turret/meme build.

In terms of flavor I REALLY hope they rework soar to be fun and either have no CD or better yet allow abilities to recharge in flight because it’s currently a glorified glider.

I didn’t think I was gonna until I figured out the Devastation rotations fairly well and decided which talents I liked the most. Now…well, it’s grown on me.

I wish Soar was better and I feel slow…I long for a true movement speed increase ability cause Hover is just meh for that. But aside from that I like it.

I’ve already been seeing several groups in group finder that have in their titles “No evoker, no dragon, etc”
Some people have a very strong hate for the class :expressionless:

Nope, you’re not alone. There’s a lot to dislike about the Evokers and the Dracythr.

It’s not my thing, but that’s OK. It’s bound to be someone else’s and I hope they enjoy it.

I don’t like their DPS spec, it’s braindead and overly simplistic. But their healing spec is pretty well designed.

They do have a bunch of frankly rather stupid design decisions that seem almost entirely designed to piss people off in classic Blizzard fashion, ie putting soar on a cooldown timer and not just tying it into dragonflight systems, and not letting people pick any race in their specific alliance for their visage. Seems like they’re constantly tripping over their own feet refusing to give players what they want for reasons that never seem to be well rationalized.

I like healing with them, dps spec is kind of meeeeeeh. I don’t like that soar has a huge cool down, I don’t really like how I can’t enjoy transmog on them so I don’t even bother with farming it (thanks dracythr mog limitations :/). And mounting up with them in dragon form irks me, like just let me flight form or something.

edit: even sort of peeking through the new mogs in dragonflight, nothing seems to match the dracthyr cosmetic armors very well and just kind of sticks out like a sore thumb

Drakthyr are not my cup of tea either. There’s a lot of ways they rub me the wrong way:

  • Single class: I don’t see why they couldn’t be warriors, rogues, mages, hunters or some other classes.
  • Only two specs: Dragons aren’t just casters, they are actually known for powerful bodies. I could see Evoker having a tanking melee spec. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.
  • Design: When I think of dragon-like humanoids, I imagine two body types: slim and agile, or strong and bulky. Drakthyr are neither, they have slim upper bodies and bulkier lower bodies, and their heads feel a little too small.
  • Limited transmog: Mail was chosen just because it was the least used armor type, but really, it doesn’t fit, as the two other classes that share it are kinda primal. Cloth would be a better fit, IMO (At least we now have lots of cosmetic armor available nowadays). Plus, the draconic form having very limited transmog that often clashes with the build-in armor, and not being able to make different transmog for each form.

That said, I think the racials (soar, tail whip, wing attack) are actually really cool. I would be awesome to have those as other classes.

I also think their two forms were handled better than worgen’s (not automatically changing when entering combat, being able to activate auto-change upon exiting combat), and I hope those features are ported to worgen eventually.

It is tied to a specific race which was a bad idea in the first place, other than that, it is not that bad.

I enjoy them, but can certainly understand why people may not like that. I think having classes that feel different really draws you into the fantasy.

The execution of the class as mentioned above I take a few issues with.

I don’t like Evoker either.

Dislike it enough to necro a 2 year old thread? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think the model itself looks pretty good the run animation is just weird though.