I dislike the run animation and the overall playstyle.
I can see how someone may like it but I just don’t find it fun.
I dislike the run animation and the overall playstyle.
I can see how someone may like it but I just don’t find it fun.
I like it. I already made two on two severs.
I like them, they’re certainly different. Some spells seem impractical to pull off at times.
Soar is cool. That’s about it. The class doesn’t appeal to me.
I honestly thought Playable Dragons would’ve been fine as a Race… that could just be the existing classes.
I don’t like it. I’m not a big fan of being in dragon form all the time, and I dislike the play style. I also disliked DK’s and DH’s when they first came out, so there’s probably nothing wrong with evokers, I just don’t like change lol.
They look lame to me. Really wish we had a buff model with a tanking/melee spec to go with them.
But some people like their current look…
I think I’d like them a whole lot more if I could tie some identity to it by staying in visage 90% of the time and only transforming into a dragon during really special attacks like deep breath or disintegration, kinda like DH does for eyebeam with the talent to do metamorphosis for 6s.
It’s a big miss IMO to have to be a fairly clunky looking dragon with no dynamic armor choices locked into one class people seem to be split down the middle on. I think they could have leaned wayyy harder on popping in and out of visage to be truly different from just normal casters or normal dragons who assume either form.
I am also sorely missing like… a dragon-themed tank or something that could like augment components of their body with reinforced scale armor like dragons in lore have been known to do. Like imagine a close range fire breath similar to brewmaster, tailswipes, popping out a big armored wing as a defense move or something.
Evoker is good, but I think it could have been made way better.
They’re the worst received class since the game launched, so no, you’re not wrong.
The empowered/hold-release/double click stuff takes some time to get use to.
Also, we wanna fly please.
I felt the same about Priests and Demon Hunters. But that doesn’t mean the classes are bad. That just means that I don’t like them. And that’s okay.
Yeh, I feel this way about Warlocks and Rogues. Just cannot get into them. Maybe I should try since I haven’t leveled one since BFA.
Also this is a big nitpick, but you should be able to choose your visage for how you appear on your forum avatar or your character select screen imo.
Part of being a dragon is blending in during social settings and I think that would be a great touch.
Between this and their limited ability to fly, there is nothing particularly “heroic” feeling about the class. The 25yd casts actually make them feel quite weak.
Mobility is great and spell animation is cool, but yeah kinda overhyped.
Personally I’m liking it so far. I know I’m hilariously bad at it though but its enjoyable. I think it was the fact that I took a healing one blind into a dungeon was what sold me on them.
Most fun in WoW i’ve had since Legion.
Either I can’t show my actual transmog, or I have to appear as a Blood Elf.
It’s a lose-lose situation, really.
The true dragon form needs some true transmog options.
Always nice to see perspective. I didn’t think I would like them and I do. You never now sometimes. Maybe down the road people will like them more.
All I know is soaring around the forbidden reach was an experience, one of the coolest wow experiences with a new class since maybe death knights for me. Watching players swoosh up, and shoot down around you is really cool.
You can change this so its like a regular spell class. In option search for empower. Then you can change the toggle.
Maybe if the actual Dracthyr form Was a real dragon…
and maybe the Evoker were only in Visage form…
They look silly and not even real dragons