I don’t know, Monks hold that currently. We’ll see long term but Monks remain to be the lowest played class in the game, and I’m not sure Dracthyr will be lower than that given the novelty of the race associated with it.
Not a fan of the lack of armor mogs, they did armor for Worgen and its a similar model. I like the custom armor from creation but it will get old really fast and the lack of Mogs will only get worse with time since you cannot show your characters evolution through content.
I can get past the rest, and the combat for the class is fun, the Racial soar ability makes all other racial abilities seem lame it’s so good.
I think a lot of people are judging them by what they are not rather than attempting to appreciate them for what they are.
My personal enjoyment of the evoker aside, they probably should have included other “military” style classes.
Warrior, hunter, and rogues. I would have said priest and mages, but I feel like Evoker itself would have covered both of those.
They ARE a class with limited armor customization. The class itself and the new approach to combat is fun, but I wont play a class I know I will get tired of looking at in a month, with limited reason to mog hunt…which I do a lot of.
Apparently I don’t like any class or spec without my elvui. It’s been broken ever since the update a few weeks ago and I can’t get the new version to work. My friends could get it working, but I’m having issues. Even after modifying my UI with the Blizzard ui update, my drive to log in has just plummeted since that update.
Yea, that makes sense. Tbh I’m not even sure what scale they’re using to determine if they’re good or not, because I’m not seeing many reasons for why they don’t like them. It’s a lot of “they suck” without substance. I can agree they’re different, but some act like they’re useless.
And, it has paid off! Nice mog.
Well I don’t have any reason to dislike them. They do seem a bit tightly wound but then coming out of a 20k year coma it’s not surprising they are a little disoriented.
And hey, it’s more people like things to admire Blood Elves? What’s not to like?
I’m still waiting to see what Ion meant in this interview:
Certain key pieces show in your draconic form: shoulders, large geometric pieces like belt buckles. When we make things like tier sets, we know that this armor is custom-made for the Evoker, and so we can do more things than we could do elsewhere.
The only issue I’ve noticed so far that is a tad goofy is that the run animation, if I’m not mistaken, is just the old undead female run animation. Right? Just seems odd that they don’t bend their elbows while running.
Otherwise, I enjoy the class.
Not every class is for every person. Lots of people didn’t like DH, Monk, and DK. And that’s okay, you should never feel like you need to defend your preferences.
Its not my cup of tea, but that’s ok. Not every cup of tea needs to appeal to everyone.
I wish soar would have no cool-down in Stormwind/Org therefore you could have some cool racing in city.
This is true for sure, Never play DH but love Monk and have played DK occasionally.
That said I think the big bummer here is Dracthry Evoker has introduced quit a few things that no other existing class in the game has (not even close) like the charged abilities and aimed cone attacks etc… like it or not these are unique combat elements to this one race.
I understand Dragon riding will basically be improved Soar but WoW talk about the one racial to rule them all for fun factor.
Saw one running through Orgrimmar yesterday. It looked dumb and out of place there.
I will say I feel like the Dracthyr is kind of a miss in relation to Blizzards art style. I don’t think they look terrible or even bad (minus the run animation) but they do seem a bit off in WoW.
I don’t dislike them, I just have a few gripes with them. The run animation is pretty goofy, yeah.
I don’t like that there isn’t a pure black color and you have to use a combination of markings and dark blue to make a black dragon. It still doesn’t FULLY work, every time I see my character’s nose I get a bit annoyed.
I really dont like the way the visage looks, its a little off and a bit ugly. Like a goblin’s head on a human’s body.
I don’t like how there are no makeup options.
I don’t like that you cant completely hide their head scales. Why would they have head scales if they are trying to be presentable to the normal folk? It frankly makes them look like lepers or something. I would be afraid to touch them if I met one.
I want more normal looking long hair. All I want is one good looking long hair style, like something from the human long hair or blood elf styles. None of them are good. Many of them just flat out look like you are wearing a bad wig.
I don’t like that soar has such a massive cooldown, and it’s also way more limited than I imagined it being. You can only make it across one area before you slow to a stop and need to get on a regular flying mount. They look ridiculous on a flying mount.
So, it’s a collection of minor gripes that are all keeping me from fully enjoying the race. These are the things that really should have been worked out before release.
This whole race feels like a death by a thousand cuts situation. It’s not a bad race, and yet all these tiny details are really bumming me out.
I like soar, so that’s all I needed to confirm as to whether I’ll like dragonflying
As a healer, the 30 yard range is extremely noticeable. Even in 5 man content it feels bad.
The class isn’t bad, it’ll just take some getting used to