I don't mind waiting for P2 but give a date already

So we can plan our life accordingly, thanks.


You plan your life around WoW?


Here’s a for instance, Wow has saved us money and helped us over come 2 bankruptcies… and during winter, its about the only thing I do while the wife reads… But come spring and summer all bets are off as we hit the road

just wanted to point out that my assumption were wrong as I noticed either yesterday or when even, Blizzard posted something about the Ruby Sanctum :

So compare this to the roadmap… we’re still a good ways away from seeing that new lev 40 cap, at least another month away.

Don’t you?..

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Those of us who have lives have to plan them accordingly :smiley:


Right? Imagine being alone and not responsible for other people and thus free to do things whenever


Those were the days!

Right, so you would plan WoW around your life, not your life around WoW

I mean, I wouldn’t put a video game at the center of my life, but I guess that’s just me

They already said Feb.

They won’t give a date until the last second because if they miss the deadline then people will wig out.

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You know what will make me wiggle out? Wasting one of my precious week off due to bad timing because Blizz can’t tell 2 weeks ahead of time when they will release a new phase.

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When did they say Feb?

Just like you plan a vacation or any other thing that could lead to enjoyment and distracts you from your everyday life. It’s the same thing stop being moronic.


I got 48 hours of vacation time waiting!!

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Technically it was Late Jan - Early Feb but here’s the WoWHead article about it.

Four Phases Planned for Season of Discovery in 2024 - Wowhead News

I’ll try telling my boss that I will technically take a week off late Jan - Early feb

You do you and take a week off for WoW if you want. Nothing wrong with that. Hopefully you won’t be one of the ones complaining after the first week that there’s nothing to do though.


I’ve taken so much time off for expansion launches and SoM/SoD I feel like 2 days of PTO on that stuff is enough, maybe 3 if you can leave early on a Tuesday and get home before whatever starts. If they keep doing thursday phase drops then you 2 is really good.

Only time I would ever take a week off again would be if they did another pure vanilla re-launch, which I doubt would happen, but who knows.

Nah, I just roll alts or do PvP if I’ve done everything I wanted to do on my main.

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Well I can see you’re incapable of taking a joke

That was a joke?