I don't mind waiting for P2 but give a date already

i can 100% predict the date will end with a “y”…

Ah yes because there was any indication of a joke suuuurrrre bud

Filthy casual…

Planing and taking days off for video games? I dont know, seems a little sad.

Yep, sure was, glad we got that covered :slight_smile:

I think you mean day, since the date will end in 2024.

doh! you are correct sir*.

*not a gender reference but a sign of respect to a commanding officer

see my sarcasm is easily read through text your “joke” wasn’t nice try tho

Well, here’s the thing

You can either A: Keep throwing a fit about it and making your day that much worse on your own

Or B: Stop taking what strangers on the internet say so seriously

If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college…

It helps when one is a minimalist.

All im doing is entertaining myself at this point. You seem to be taking it pretty seriously lol

“I’m not mad YOU’RE mad!”

Mmhm, that’s why you felt the need to start insulting me out the gate for a joke not even directed at you right? :roll_eyes:

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“Plan our life accordingly” = use PTO or ROs to no life Warcraft for a week.

you’re wild. They will drop the trailer of Phase 2, the same day they drop ruby sanctum. And itll be 2 weeks from then, MAYBE 3.

so i’d expect a Jan 25th or Feb 1st release date

The roadmap doesn’t suggest that both SoD2 and Ruby will on the same date…

i didnt say that. Ruby sanctum comes out jan 11th. in two days. the TRAILER for p2 will drop that day. and the actual phase will release 25th or 1st

Oh that was an insult to you? My bad for hurting your feelings :broken_heart:

I want them to not give us any date tbh.

At first I wanted a date so I could get hyped. Now I want to just login one day and have leveling unlocked. That way there’s no datamining, no advance knowledge, no nothing.

They had to hype up Season of Discovery ahead of time ofc, so they had to announce it at blizzcon. But now they have a chance to really make it a proper discovery-based season by throwing us a stealth launch curveball.

It will release once gold sales drop for the current phase.