I don't like your pillars. I want a solo pillar

My counter-counterpoint would be that in appropriately difficult content, your group wouldn’t be able to defeat the challenge if you were dead, because it would require all hands on deck.

(Unless the enemy was already at like 3% when you died, or such.)

I obviously disagree with this, but I’ve heard it repeated millions of times before.

Where does this idea come from? Is this just a remnant of Boomer culture that somehow crept into gaming? Why does overcoming a challenge matter? I thought we played games to have fun. I mean, if you find challenges fun, that’s certainly valid - but I don’t, so why should I have to do things I find not fun in a game I pay and play to enjoy in order to get rewards that I need to actually enjoy myself?

Seems absurd, tbh.


Ah, I see it didn’t take long for the AOTC/CE players to invade this thread because their precious pixels were in danger from filthy casual players.


My counter-counter-counterpoint would be then that raids are undertuned and should be tuned so that if little Timmy dies, it’s an auto wipe.

It’s a group, you win as a group or lose as a group, nobody left behind.


Gary Gygax

When doing progression, it is. Nobody’s 19-manning Mythic Jailer on their first kill.

He’s dead, and that standard should follow.

It’s 2022.

The “Participation Trophy Generation” is 40.

It’s time to re-evaluate.

And the game has plenty of “participation trophies” (as you put it) that everyone can get, as well as more challenging things for the solo player.

Which has been my point all along. There’s plenty of stuff for the solo player in the game, as it is.

I keep seeing people post this. But I’ve yet to see anyone post such a complaint. And if there are some that complain, it’s way in the minority and I missed it!!! I haven’t found anything that is too hard to play Solo outside current raids and dungeons which is group play.

I never played Torghast unless it was required to complete a quest. Why not play Torghast Solo? NO GEAR DROPS. Otherwise I would…

I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500 Alex.

Okay, so we just disagree on this point.

That’s fine.

My position is that there should be a lot more solo content with rewards, especially considering the time frame between expansions. Not every piece of content is acceptable to every player. There needs to be a lot of different options so that the vast majority of players never run out of things they might find enjoyable.

Evergreen content sounded like a great idea, but so far, I haven’t really seen it meaningfully implemented. I am really hoping they do some market research and figure out what aspects of solo play have been successful for other online games, and then implement similar changes.

Blizzard has always stolen ideas better than anyone else. I think things started to decline when they stopped doing that.

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People actually do request it often.

And I disagree. Mythic raid mounts should continue to be exclusive mount models.

Mage Tower


Was Mage Tower’s reintroduction a difficulty issue or an balancing issue? Because most of the complaints I saw surrounding the content was that it was wildly unbalanced.

Ya but in group content in general it shouldn’t be a thing.

In that respect, grouping is easy mode.
If you die in most group content but the group wins the encounter, you just run back, collect your epics and off you go to the next encounter.

In solo, if i’m fighting a rare out in the world and mess up and it kills me, I run back, collect my body and all I get is a repair bill back at camp. (as it should be)

Seriously, they should make it where if you die in a group and they still kill the boss, you get nothing. You failed, no different than if you were fighting it alone, you accepted the challenge and lost, do not pass go, do not collect your new epics.

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It was a difficulty issue. There were plenty of folks (both times around) who had no trouble with it.

People forget that when mage tower originally rolled out during Legion, there were tons of complaints about how it was “only for the 1%” etc.

For the record, I am no longer complaining about the mage tower. I accepted that, like raids, the design philosophy behind its creation excludes me as its target demographic. I’ve never attempted the Mage Tower because I know it isn’t for me.

So, I’m not complaining about it. Leave it there. But I’d like more content that I will actually do. Give me an achievement to catch 100k fish in a single expansion and then give me a Cthulhu mount or something. Like I said, the Underlight Angler was a homerun for Legion as far as I’m concerned.

More stuff like that. Time investments that reward resilience and dedication rather than twitch reflex and timing. Things you can do solo that grant lasting rewards that never get obsoleted.

I like that a lot, and want more of it.


It does, at 240 ilvl at that.

it’s not hard, take alchemy, make the trinket, take the proper conduits, shut him down when he casts, it’s not hard bro.

I do it on my junk Warlock too, fear the heal, rinse and repeat.

maybe those groups need a guide on how to kill him.

Mage Tower’s just an example, since the person I was replying to said he had never heard any complaints about solo content being too difficult.

There are many more such examples, of course.

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Op,this game is a reflection of our real world we live in most people solo their life in the world but sometimes we do come across others of the same mind set and stop for awhile like people do on their front porch.

We live in a world now where people don’t even come to the porch to even talk we are so busy doing our lives and not wanting to rest for awhile. So it is with this game we solo the game because we don’t have the time anymore to talk or play games together ,there is no problem with playing solitaire when the game of chess you don’t have a partner.