I don't like your pillars. I want a solo pillar

Bunch of toxic, unhinged elitists telling other people what they don’t deserve, thread #10000000000000.



You’re admitting here that hardcore players don’t do challenging group content because they enjoy it, but because the main motivation is to have better gear than the more casual players.

If you have 300 iLvl from raiding, what does it matter if a world quester you run into in Oribos has 215 iLvl or 285 iLvl? It really, really, really doesn’t matter. Unless the problem is all in your head, and you want the gap to be wider so that you feel more superior?

Elitists are the self-serving ones here because they are insisting that the game continue to lose more players to satisfy their own egos.

You just said above that solo players need to be kept weak to protect the core of the game.

By the way, how healthy is the core of the game now, after Shadowlands 3 pillars elitism has driven away so many millions of potential players that factions and even realm economies have to be merged to preserve a quality game experience?

Your entire post comes off as an elitist rant. Any more elitist, and I would think you were trolling rather than being authentic.

And it’s kind of hard for casual and solo players to be entitled when we have gotten so little, not even an endgame pillar. Hardcore players, on the other hand, are getting a bonus season just for them and are still complaining about it.


This is an overly simplistic argument. A player can get 50% of the motivation to do a thing being the challenge, 35% be from playing with friends, and 15% from gear rewards. If you remove/reduce a part of the gear rewards as a bonus, you have diminished the total motivation, even if you only changed something that accounts for 15% of the total.

Gear is less of the motivator the longer you’ve been raiding, but it still serves as a way to encourage people to start raiding.

You take a walk in the park instead of obsessing over what videogame items you don’t have. Stop letting your F in the FOMO cripple you so much that you don’t care about how it affects anyone else but you.

Of course because it’d be embarrassing as hell. You’re ashamed.

So long as it is content that is just there for the “solo pillar” and can be ignored by everyone else.

The moment I have to do chores every single day is the moment I uninstall. 9.2.5 was the best balance between fun:chores since WoD, and even then it had more chores than it should have.

Honestly, if I so much as smell mandatory daily chores in Dragonflight I’m not buying, because I already unsubbed through the vast majority of Systemlands and their MSQ carbon copy and the stupid “fill bars daily/weekly”.

Nope. People need to get over weird social anxieties in a video game. The game doesn’t need to be redesigned from the ground up due to a small niche of players who are intolerant of interacting with other people to the minimum level required to engage in content.

I agree that blizzard has done a terrible job with the leveling process. LFR should be removed, and other than random battle grounds and leveling dungeons, nothing should be in a matchmaking system.

They should introduce a system that lets you know when you make it to end game you’re going to need to act like an adult and interact with people in an MMO to obtain meaningful (for a patch length anyway) gear rewards.

All the casual stuff is super easy. Solos get the best gear ever possible without a group in SL. M+ surpasses raiding in both accessibility and rewards for the most part.

Your dramatic idea doesn’t make any sense based on retail right now.


At the rate loot drops player 2 would be in full 252 before player 1 unless p1 was also doing other content besides just the raid.

While I do understand where you are coming from, and I do agree that solo world content needs to be better and more engaging, and even to an extent a little more challenging and rewarding.

However, this is an MMORPG. Which live and die by their community. If anything they will add more community driven aspects to the game. Players are meant to group up with each other to achieve goals. Players are intended to communicate with each other to get crafted items. People are intended to form guilds and large groups to do the raids. Being multiplayer is at the core of this game.

I am glad you enjoy the game and play it how you like. And I support aspects of what you are asking for. But WoW is a social game. And while the solo play experience definitely can be improved, single player games already do gameplay and story so much better than WoW. Monster Hunter is a great example. It has some of the most rewarding, repeatable single player content around. Another would be Elden Ring.

Some ideas like a boss rush gauntlet, iterations on mage tower, world quest vault slot all are good ideas. I would like to see a zone where there is less fodder mobs, and just elite/rare mobs that can drop loot or currency. The problem with any end game zone like that designed around challenging gameplay, would be that it would have to be instanced, or it would be zerg farmed by organized groups.

Okay, but if you don’t raid or do dungeons or pvp, then at max level, there isn’t anything you actually do.

Define this.

If it just exists with no reward structure or sense of character progression then it might as well not exist.

It should feel rewarding for the demographic it appeals to. It shouldn’t feel mandatory for those it doesn’t, but it also shouldn’t be watered down just because some folks feel forced to do everything with a bit of a reward tied to it.

I believe the ultimate solution is a weekly-capped badge system, or a dual system where one is uncapped for a lesser reward and one is capped but offers a greater reward. Something akin to honor and conquest, but universally for PVE.

Throw it in everything. All instanced content and world content and allow it to cap in one avenue of gameplay a week if that’s all you want to do.

A universal PVE currency could solve a lot of this game’s problems, but for some reason they put so much stock into gambling systems. Those gambling systems has everyone of all types of gameplay fighting each other because they think their crumbs in this crummy reward structure would feel less like a whole cookie if other people got crumbs too.

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This isn’t a single player game.

Never promised for us to solo through the entire game. WoW did have a more solo friendly leveling experience, but it heavily advertised the 5man instances and 40man raids at launch.

No. That is just the design of the game. A MMO. It isnt designed to alter your personality to be more social. The game is designed as a social experience.

WoW may be your favorite game, but MMO’s are multiplayer by design. And the game is designed around being multiplayer. The raid encounters, dungeon encounters are all designed around groups doing them. They would have to MASSIVLY shift the entire design of the game to make raids and dungeons challenging and doable by solo players. Especially with the number of classes and specs in the game.

WoW is for everyone, but we are saying, in the case of these arguments, asking for the game to be changed to have end game solo playstyle isnt what WoW is about. The thing is that WoW is accessible for all. But you choose to play it. And if you want to play a multiplayer RPG solo, you kind of have to accept that there are aspects of the game that are designed for the multiplayer focus. And you cant really experience them unless you participate. You can flip what you are asking, and ask for a single player RPG to have multiplayer progression because that is how you want to play.

This is an excellent sentiment here.


The bulk of the content is designed to be accomplished individually. Only a small portion of it is designed for a group effort. So mechanically, it kinda is.

But you are correct, it is multiplayer regardless of what you do. Even if I’m out herbing and someone else is herbing the same flower completely disconnected from me, it’s a multiplayer experience.

Unless you’re leveling in Chromie time in a less popular expansion. Then it is 100% a single player game. I went through the ghostlands twice and never saw another player. Boy was that depressing.

But, anywho, multiplayer isn’t exclusively grouping to accomplish goals, it’s sharing a space. Nobody is asking for that to go away. A lot of you just fail to understand what multiplayer is, because (like casual player) you all have your own definition and a devout stubbornness to look outside your own ego.


Are you drunk?

World Quests. Torghast. Covenants. Korthia. Zereth Mortis. Legacy Raids and Dungeons. Transmog farming. Archaeology. Fishing. Professions. Rare Hunting.

There’s plenty that I do at max level, but I would like to have more options and see the existing options expanded significantly.


All of that already has rewards to advance your character. Except the legacy stuff, I guess, but that’s not a max-level activity anyway. So what are you asking for?

Sounds like a better experience. One worth the time investment.

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More and better rewards where they are rewarded, new casual/solo activities to do, and the reintroduction of rewards where they were removed. Archaeology, for example, was completely excluded from Shadowlands. Fishing got nothing but a single mount. Exhausting these activities is supposed to be rewarding and time-consuming. Instead, we run out of related content much faster than we did in previous expansions.


the playerbase has a habit of killing content that can be soloed with complaints lol panda farm,oondasta,garrisons,mission tables,blacksmithing,thunderforge,titanforge,island expeditions,against overwhelming odds,horrific visions,torghast.think torghast was planned to drop heroic level gear but people didnt like the timer.