I dont know why people dont know what they talking about yet they make fun of people

So i was in a BG with my sub NE rogue, and these people where making fun of me for playing NE not human calling me a bot and stuff… First of all why would i play human for dps trinket when Shadowmeld is so op, i get 3 vanishes… with the extra vanish i can either get an extra opener or heal my self to full health in 1v1 arena situation


Dear diary


3 lines you call it diary lol

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Nelfs are cool when they are chicks… cuz they hot! Male Nelfs are super cringe…


Eww no. All nelves are gross. Be classy. Draenei women.


I’m kinda into feet my guy… them hooves probably smell like a goat…. Nelf feet are super cute

Must be a prn addict my guy lol

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I plead the 5th… :rofl:


Didnt expect anything else as a response to the post from wow community

Why do you care what they think? Its your character, play what YOU want.

ps best rogue race is undead.

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I really dont its just that everytime i play classic i get harassed for no reason, im not sure whats the age group of players that play , im guessing its all no lifers

Welcome to the internet.

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Respond with “You got got”

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Just another quarter… SlotMachine :kissing_heart:

A lot of people on this game are spineless miserable self loathing losers who get high off others misery.


The horns, the tail, and the hooves are all good.
But I could do with some wings on them. :slight_smile:

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stick to your beliefs man, nelfs are super strong if you are able to take value out of meld

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NE rogue until detection changes was harder to spot in stealth. Other races to be harder to detect had to dump points into the sub tree that night elves didn’t.

So if an older NE rogue…the game changed detection mechanics there.

That makes no sense, even in wrath you had talents where it was harder to spot you , since when you heal you just stay away from that person lol

despite that nelf still had better stealth unless you were me and would be found by horde ferals