'I Don't have time to level' argument

They will have plenty of time to do all that since they won’t be spending 100 hours on leveling. Hello?

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Just boosting. I’m more than happy to have changes in the game that was frankly broken in a number of ways. Cash shop is just a bs way for Blizzard to bypass making their leveling experience good and to cash in on impulsive people. They should be hyperfocused on making their game good but, that has been iffy for quite sometime now.

The Paladin change? Amazing. Are there other changes I’d like to see? Definitely. I would like to see a Heroic/Mythic level content for people if there is ever a situation Heroics are too easy for dungeons and regular raids are too easy as well. People aren’t as bad as they use to be and nor is the hardware. Something left after a phase has gone through.

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This is about applying a change that will allow you to skip a big chunk of the game, this is a re-release of an old game and all changes applied to this new release should be with the intent on providing a better experience.
This is not retail where leveling is an insignificant part of the content. This is a game where leveling is THE content and was actually the only obligatory content, so to actually provide a way to skip it is a disgrace.
Boost are a cash grab disguise as helpful tool for ‘new players’.
That you find it convinient and are going to use it does not change that.

Would you agree to it if the boost was only provided to those who already have a character at max level? Similar to the way DK was introduced?

Because I have already played the vanilla experience, and am doing it for a second time. Doing it for a third time doesn’t add any additional enjoyment for me.

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I wouldn’t offer it at all. The Classic versions of WoW were intended to be brutal so people learned by failing and they felt their character get stronger with time. Instant gratification to that power shouldn’t be the case at all. It’s an escape mechanism because they all knew their older content wasn’t good at all compared to the new material. Which is why the DK released as 55 to 58 separate experience that went straight to Outlands.

With TBC being released they’re already shortening the experience by 10-15% which is pretty significant. There won’t be a months worth of time trying to hit 58 to head out onto Outlands if you have a couple hours a night available to you. Plus the whole MMO experience was all about the the rise of your character and experiences you’ve had. Cheapening it to punching in CC numbers is a cop out to bad content and their lack of ability/willingness to fix those problems.

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i’ve lost track, i’ve made so many alts and mains over the years.

I want players on current content, leveling with me, doing dungeons with me, doing heroics with me, raiding with me, and doing PVP with me.

I don’t want them leveling old content while I’m on current content.

Yes, jerks like you because a mmo is social, your attitude (good or bad) matters, and your crappy one ruins the game more than the casuals that buy gold I’ve run into or the boosted players that blizz will supply. (hate to break it to you, but people have been “cheating” with in-game mage boosts all of classic. I prefer it done by blizzard and not in game mages.)

You have to realize, this is a game, you didn’t earn a damn thing on your account, you PLAYED, not earned, played. Boosted players will not impact you.

Things that damage the game

  • jerks like you
  • wBuff meta
  • and bots

Things that do not damage the game

  • paid boosts offered by blizz.
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Hmm, the time to accomplishment ratio is too vast. So now can have my boost?

It seems that you want a guild. Plenty of them for you to join, you don’t need more players for that.
Also, there are a lot of people leveling right now in preparation for tbc, u are free to join them, i doubt you will tho.

Mage boosting is not cheating, it’s a service you buy from another player with in game currency, i don’t like it either but blizzard did not nerf it so …what can we do?

You can try to insult me all you want, but in the end you want boosts because of your own interests, because you want to use one, because you are lazy, because you want to skip leveling.

If you are happy thinking you are the good guy defending players rights then sorry to break your bubble, you are just looking out for your own interests, and this interest is against the principles of why we wanted classic in the first place.

Not that you would care, you only think about yourself being able to boost.

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is this the place where you ask for a boo…o nvm…

Well then good news, the boost isn’t coming to classic, it’ll be in TBC Classic.

That is 100% your opinion, and not worth anything.

it was called by blizzard exploitation of mob pathing, but the #NoChanges people whined, so yes it is 100% cheating.

Yes, i want them because I want more players in current content. The thing is my interests make the game better, yours do not, which is why no one respects them and people tell you to sit down.

I already have every character to 60 minus druid and paladin which I’m not going to play in TBC, I have ZERO no need of boosting for myself.

Boosts are coming and there is nothing you can do about it. Are you going to be a whiner or just roll with the punches like a man?

Except shadowlands sucks

I dont need boosts either, i just care about the game.
You only need one healthy server and a good guild to enjoy tbc classic. No need for boosts at all

If mage boosts were cheating then blizzard would have banned them, if you consider it cheating is another thing entirely.

Also if blizzard cared enough about player boosting then they would have nerf flamestrike and consecration, aoe cap solves little.

stop telling other people what YOU think they need.

Blizz themselves said it was mob pathing exploitation, but they left it because of #NoChanges whiners …like you.

If only there was some way even with a fresh boosted 58 to get better gear.
They should have quests in Hellfire that give people upgrades or something.
Or maybe friends that have Naxx gear that will take them to Hellfire Ramparts with them.

You see I ain’t got to time play the actual game so I’mma just buy thangs with my job that takes up most of my time

What is your argument? “I am mad that guy over there I Won’t ever see or talk to is doing it differently than me?” The best part is my wallet speaks louder than every person crying on here about the boosts so as long as me and all my friends buy em it’s gonna win.

lol dang i thought this was an mmo with social interaction

Lol dang, do you get mad when someone has a nicer car than you too? Edit wrong post :V