I dont get the outcry about no more customization

microsoft flight simulator has way more varieties of airplanes you can fly

It bothers me that you guys word it like that “no more customization” because people are going to get the wrong idea when they hear it “we’re removing customization from the game” or “we’ll never add any customization ever again” when that’s not what was said.

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Another thing that I will add is that I don’t like how they vaguely implied that they won’t take another look at Humans, given that we didn’t even get all the options they showed off at Blizzcon 2019 (dark brown eyes and eye shape options) and they failed to implement the underlying textures for the new hairstyles, which is preventing hair from showing while wearing a hat.

The “Quiff” hairstyle looks so much better in the Blizzcon 2019 promotional image than it does in-game where it looks like a wig on a bald man. It’s also literally impossible to recreate the faces seen on the right side of the image with the current Shadowlands customization options available for Humans.

Plus, every race needs to have scar options that are completely separated from faces and skin colors, and Humans fail epically at this due to scars only being available with the new skin colors and female Humans getting scar options that are so much better than what male Humans got.

In general I’m worried about what the quote “what can we do for the races we didn’t do as much for” because it’s vagueness could mean that they think races like Worgen, Undead, Blood Elves, and Trolls got more than enough new customization options. They didn’t provide any idea as to what the threshold is for “we didn’t do enough customization options.”

I’m sure Ion doesn’t get the outcry about no more customization, either, since he never even took the option for upright posture on orcs, he doesn’t do transmog, and he thinks it isn’t fun to smash old content.

“due to unexpected costs, our amusement park will not be adding the two new rollercoasters we had planned to add this year”

“woah they’re shutting down all the rollercoasters???”

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i just wish blizzard just add few customizations to nightborne since we are the worst race when it comes to customization, like literally almost every nightborne looks a twin of each other, the community came with such great ideas blizzard just needs to implement them in game

If you want an actual answer: the expansion was advertised by Blizzard’s own materials and by interviews with media that character customization was content that was to be ongoing through this expansion. That wasn’t true, apparently, and anyone who purchased the expansion has reason to be frustrated.

From a personal perspective, I would rather have continued customization rather than a new mega dungeon, for example. Some people literally get more value from character customization content than they do mega dungeon content.

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Even I disagree with that. Customization is pretty cool even if you are the only one to notice your own choices.

Ditto. The customization options coming was literally what got me to pre-order Shadowlands rather than wait and buy it after launch.


They laired to their player base just to keep em subbed. Karma will bit them hard I say. I’m sorry but when a company has to tell lies to keep it’s players something is terribly wrong.

Others might say:

“I don’t get the outcry about Covenant skills. Why not just enjoy the game and pick whatever you want instead of spending time complaining on something that literally doesn’t matter for most players?”

Same for Raids, Mythic+, Torghast etc.

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It won’t have been the first time that players stayed subscribed or resubscribed because of some announcement that left out critical details that would have given those players serious concerns.

Customization is a HUGE part of the game for me. Pretty much why I bought the transmog mount. Actually, I know a lot of players who care about customization and looks. We farm every week for transmogs. Not sure where you got this idea.

This also falls under character customization. It’s just another element in the game that I care about along with many others.

Some people like different things…who knew?



Ironic that you’re wearing a transmog.

Ignoring the benefit of cosmetics to the health of a game is just bull-headed, to put it politely. Games have made their entire profit model off of cosmetic items.

Cosmetics are important. To a lot of people.

Tauren dont care.

The entire thing was dumb to invest time into.

They literally left the Kyrian mission table, a core feature of the game, broken for MONTHS due to lack of dev resources.

And m+ loot remains so broken people aren’t playing.

So yeah, was dumb and I’m glad they are stopping with it - they must realize it was dumb. Just put the resources where it makes a difference - stop shooting yourself in the foot and making sure the game isn’t what it should be.

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You don’t know if it matters to most players, and it matters to a lot of players. Customization and cosmetics are a big feature for a lot of people.

There’s probably some part of the game that you enjoy that doesn’t matter to a lot of people. Possibly even most (citation needed, lol). But you don’t see me over here making a post about how it’s a waste of time.

The WoW team could fund the resources needed to give every attraction attention and still turn a big profit. There’s absolutely no reason not to expect your $15 a month to go toward something important to you.

That I picked an outfit 3 years ago and haven’t bothered to change it since isn’t ironic. In the last 3 years I’ve spent more time doing archeology then dealing with transmogs.

Doesn’t mean I think transmogs shouldn’t be in the game, they should be and they are. Bunch of them to buy from various SL vendors and a bunch of new gear appearances.

It’s just that like the OP I don’t get the outcry. My guild doesn’t get together multiple times a week to try on new outfits, we get together to raid, and do dungeons.