I don't get the class changes

What dev thought it was a good idea to remove interactive talents with interesting mechanics like A Murder of Crows or Wildfire Infusion in favor of “click when it lights up” abilities like Kill Shot and Explosive Shot that add nothing to the rotation and just clutter the bar?


I would say remove explosive shot for bm it makes no sense and adds buttons for no reason.


Devs that understand the masses.
Murder of Crows was virtually never taken, and BM doesn’t need another reset mechanic.
Wildfire Infusion cluttered SV in my opinion and people were generally turned off from playing SV partly because of it.


First time I’ve ever heard anyone accuse Murder of Crows of being anything but ignored tbh.


WI was one of my favorite talents in the game tbh. I think SV is fine without, but I did think it was really fun to try and optimize around your different bombs.


Wildfire Infusion was precisely what made the class interesting, what turned off people was mostly the weird Mongoose Fury windows. But regardless, why not just leave us the option? Have a choice node or something


Hmm; I think instead of clutter you might mean that someone with no xp might see wildfire infusion and think it’s more than it is as far as rotations…because realistically it could get completely ignored…however high skill capped players RELIED on these bombs.

Spec feels kinda bad without it. Not sure how I feel about explosive shot being our reliance now…just seems odd that we have like 3 different way of free explosive shots for little to no reasoning.

I’m a fan of the tree reworks altogther; there’s some definite wins…but the true spec design changes all feel terribly thought out.


Which we already had

Eh not really true at all tbh the only one that had any real interaction with your rotation was red bomb and really it just made focus management easier. Nothing too amazing is lost with wfi gone

Still not true if you say it twice lol

edit: not worth the time

I loved murder of crows

I also loved serpent sting. And now they’re both baked into other stuff.


Murder of Crows was awful and never used in raid or dungeons, the fact it actually gets a use on a passive now is great.

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I thought class tree is pretty good after changes imo, way betfer than previous

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Honestly I’m considering just speccing out of it, even if it is a DPS loss. Like, who thought that putting ES in the class tree was a good idea? Completely does not fit with BM. If they wanted to give us another button to push then AMoC could have been turned into a better cooldown, not a silly passive effect (and a bad one at that, considering it can get wasted on low-health mobs).

And Barrage in the BM tree??? lol

Also dumb that the standard cleave build can’t take CotW or Bloodshed, so we actually lose a cooldown there. And having two different ST specs is also completely unnecessary. And Dire Beast is back :roll_eyes:

It’s great that we have a metric crapton of CC now, but almost everything else about the BM changes feels like garbage.


2 different st specs means you’ll have options depending on your bosses, kill time or if you’re getting externals. Bloodshed has never been useful for aoe and never will be, your increased damage to the bloodshed target doesnt get spread to the cleaved targets. And we’ll love without cotw, we do enough damage right now all the time vs doing it only every 2 minutes. Sims and build updates are constantly happening every day in the hunter discord as Hunter receives nerfs. CoTw could become something in TWW with hero talents, right now we’re just using prepatch builds.

ES has been in the class tree. BM had access to Barrage in the class tree as well.

If you want to complain that Stampede and Death Chakram were removed, complain about that, not that the other things exist.

bm changes are basically going away from the beast theme and more into traps and explosives.

even without prepatch build Explosive shot will still be shoved down BM hunters throats for aoe


Honestly, I prefer simplicity. I’m an older gamer, I don’t want or need 3 rows of abilities. It is massive overkill for me, most of the those abilities can be baked in elsewhere. They also need to remove the GCD on a lot of abilities.