I don't get the class changes

Beast theme is more than alive, there are so many talents on the bm tree that spawn additional animals from crows, to Hati and fenryr, an insane amount of dire beast spawns from pressing the button combined with rng. Bm is set on the animal stuff. As for explosive shot, it’s a filler button. All they did was remove chakram and find a way for all 3 specs to be use explosive which is perfectly fine. A lot of the dps talents on the hunter were useless for the other specs and they found a way none of the specs lose on any talent that gains DPS on the hunter tree.

Explosive shot => Press when it’s up
Murder of Crows => Select your targets in a mob pack to get the most out of the duration while still getting the reset for the least amount of GCD’s

You could skip it before, now you’re forced to take it.

I miss this too. Especially the poison and bleed bomb rotations.

Murder of crows → Press when it’s up
Explosive shot → Select your targets in mob pack to get the most AoE cleave from it’s explosion and use on packs where you can guarantee the most value per hit

Good thing that 0.0% of people skipped it before.

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Tell me you don’t read spells without telling me you don’t read spells

The cooldown isn’t realistically high enough for this to be an actual decision. In most situations, you lose more damage by waiting on it than you would gain from using it at the perfect time.

I mean, there’s a reason why we haven’t used it since at least BFA.
In most situations in keys you would either have to wait some decent amount of time for things to get low b4 using it, if you wanted to get resets, or you’d throw it into primary target because it’s living regardless.

It actually is.

Congratulations, you have described a decision that players have to make in the flow of a fight.

It’s not a decision. And it wasn’t being used for multiple expansions now.


It literally is. You observe the situation and decide whether the ability is worth holding as an execute, or if you should throw it right away on the priority target.

Do we have data on this? I’m not a mythic raid player, but I used it. Of course all talent trees will always have a “best” which once figured out players will massively favor, doesn’t mean that more laid back players shouldn’t have toys to play with.

Maybe I’m in the minority but I think BM is great fun and plays well. I don’t get why people might be against explosive shot, I think it’s cool. It’s like a 30 second cooldown so not something you’re constantly pressing and it looks cool.

And just because BM is more focused on pets doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have shots. I like it.

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I don’t mind it existing, I’d just like it to not be the only option. I know you can technically skip it, but it’s smack down in the middle of the talent tree and a huge DPS increase so you kinda have to take it.

Aren’t you kind of contradicting yourself here?

On any difficult content you’d just send on cd on a prio target. Anyway it’s been suboptimal for years at this point anyway so makes sense if they change it.