Because it’s fun, what doesn’t personally appeal to you isn’t baseline for everyone else. Everyone likes different things.
seriously, what’s with all these “fluff” threads about Dragonriding?
The front-page been cluttered for the entire week with these things, it’s one after another as if they’re being mass-produced in a factory
Dragonriding thread # 123842579858936 haha
Because it’s amazing and fun and probably what flying would have been all along if they had the tech to do it back then. I love it, and I love being able to fly day one which is something that hasn’t happened in oh I don’t know, say nigh over eight years!
I don’t know why, but I’m having a hard time getting into DF. I don’t know if it’s the leveling turning me off or something else entirely
Oh yeah? What’s bothering you about it?
So far it seems kinda refreshing to me
Wait …what???
Who’s comparing torghast to Dragonriding?
said it in my original post.
You don’t have to love it.
For me, it’s the fact it’s almost 3x faster than a regular flying mount.
Both have their place and advantages, so it will be good when both are available together.
Just competitive people who like that there is a way to race, to get timed, and race against friends I believe.
I dig it, the more I use it. I don’t have friends to race against but those things never intrigued me cause I suck at them now. [I used to be awesome in mario kart when I was little so I loved it lol]
It’s a fun intuitive way to experience the land, gives a fantasy feel and honestly, this is how Blizz should have designed things from a long time ago.
With flying in mind.
Its faster.
its fun.
it gives me somethign to enjoy while im traveling across the map and not falling asleep in my chair while i auto run to one destination to another
it honestly just feels cool to me
I don’t mind it.
But I did notice, that other than our mounts, other dragons/dragon creatures, have chosen legacy flying.
You can see this riding Wrathion, on flights between Flight Points, and with dragons in the wild. We’re the only ones travelling like this.
People play this game 8+ hours a day so they get bored and anything new is wonderful.
^This. So much this.
I liked traditional flying because I could go places and explore and just have fun. I NEVER used it to just AFK while I traveled. Dragon riding takes what I love about flying and amps it up to level 11.
Dragon riding is a simple filler mechanic that makes the world more interesting because your movement requires thought. From a game design standpoint, momentum-based movement is important for players to stay “in the game.” Old flying was static, basically no-clip and you could fly up, aim your camera generally where you need to be and then alt-tab until you got there. It’s a fine mechanic, but by adding dragonriding, they’ve created a mini-game you play to get to the rest of the content.
I finish a quest, I mount up and I want to get airborn so I hit that upward double-ascent and now I’m zoomin’. I land with a crash in the next quest area and I go about my business.
Because I’m in the game for Quest 1, flying and Quest 2, I am more aware of my surroundings. I’m getting to know the terrain, and maybe I’m seeing a rare spawn or a treasure I might have missed or a mining node or an enemy player.
I can see these things because I’m 100% in the game.
DR is not perfect, but it’s an amazing addition for me, a player who enjoys speed and style and to be immersed. It really scratches that itch for me.
You can say it’s “a mobile game” but imo these little additions that further gamifying these little mechanics in the game, (flying → dragonriding, the old crafting system → the new crafting system, old gathering → new gathering) you really create MORE game per game, and these things keep more people IN the world, instead of attempting to skip most of it.
It’s not that DR is an amazing game-changing wow-saver, it’s because it’s a good system that ties the rest of the game together, and paired with systems like it, will result in a more full experience.
If you don’t think it’s much more fun than regular flying, you don’t have all the upgrades or you’re lying or you feel that being able to auto-fly from point A to point B, perhaps while being tabbed out or AFK or just not really paying attention, is essential to your enjoyment of the game, or maybe you’re one of the people who have motion sickness issues
Regular flying feels like total garbage now by comparison, IMO they should probably delete it and have dragon riding everywhere
This is not actually the case. Dragonflight zones are so much bigger and altitude varied, that you are not questing as fast as you think.
That is how it has been recently but once upon a time…
Recently ? I think last time you didnt have to unlock was mop
You say that like mobile games aren’t more successful/profitable than MMOs.
Except I’m still farming paragon boxes in Legion and have tested going from one end of Northrend to the other It’s definitely faster to go from one end of the Dragon Isles to the other.
Because its fun