I don't even remember who controlled old god forces in Cata

There was power boosted Cho’gall, but it’s not like he should be able to spawn tentacles by his own. Yogg and C’thun were pacified. N’zoth was still locked pretty tight.

But we still had those giant flesh-mouths in zones, who was the central mind that spawned them? Was it even revealed? Was it really just N’zoth (cause he’s the only active candidate)

It was N’zoth. He’s also the one that drove Deathwing mad which kicked Cata off in the first place.

It was N’zoth commanding from jail using guys like DW, Ragnaros, Cho’gall and Benedictus as his lieutenants.

Was this not retconned to have them be dead?

It was N’zoth and C’thun.

N’zoth was the main mind behind Deathwing and C’thun was fused with Cho’Gall. (Which is why he’s muscular and has eyes all over the place)

They were always dead.

Kind weird that he was able to open some big (giant) mouths with monumental tentacles in Twilight Highlands, while being completely free in BFA all he did was just glue some eyes on statues

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That sucks.

Those mouths aren’t N’zoth’s mouths. They are just some big minions.

The one in Twilight Highlands is called Iso’rath. Dragon Soul had two more called Shu’ma and Go’rath (named after popular Marvel Comics villain Shuma-Gorath lol)

i always assumed they’re just part of old gods real body