C'thun And Yogg Are Dead. Dead. Dead

Thought they were hot? Guess what? they are not.

They are dead. Dead. Dead.

The first confirmation that C’thun was dead was actually around when we killed C’thun!

“Even in death you can feel the legacy of C’Thun’s evil around you.”

Then in 2016 we had a blog post about Villains that had an entry about C’thun.

“They invaded the city-kingdom of Ahn’Qiraj, fighting countless qiraji and silithid before finally confronting and killing the malevolent god

Finally, on Blizzcon 2018 the Devs themselves said this about both C’thun and Yogg:

“I would say that we should consider them dead. But! As with all things in World of Warcraft and in general in the Warcraft universe, death is not always final. Therefore, if there is the coming of the Old Gods, or some precursor of the Old Gods appear from the eternal darkness, from the Void, for example, if there is any way or opportunity to return them, I imagine that this may well happen.”

So basically, they are dead. Dead. Dead.

They can be resurrected one day. I mean, there are cultists resurrecting Ragnaros and he died in the Firelands where Fire Elemental deaths are supposed to be final with no afterlife. WoW is a Comic Book-like setting and death is sort of meaningless (not necessarily a bad thing though. /love Comic Books).

We all know the only character that can’t ever be resurrected is Uncle Ben.

But they are dead. Dead. Dead.

Yet still people think they are still alive. That’s just headcanon out of control!

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I feel like they meant their physical form was dead but their minds or souls were elsewhere


AKA dead.

If you die, your physical form is dead and your mind and soul go to the Shadowlands.

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I dunno man the old god lore updates confuse the heck out of me even after I had the gist of it explained

It just doesn’t make any sense for them to be dead. If they are that easy to kill, why didn’t the titan keepers do it a long time ago? Why keep them locked up where they are clearly still dangerous? We know that Azshara’s goal was to kill N’zoth, so why did she need to trick us into freeing him from his prison in order to accomplish that? Why not just kill him in his prison like the others? And why all this nonsense about using the void to kill N’zoth? We didn’t need to do anything like that with the others. We just walked up and killed them.

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One guess could be that in the last tens of thousands of years Azeroth (the Titan fetus) grew and became stronger and sturdier so she can survive the death of the Old Gods now. But back then it would have killed her to kill the Old Gods.

The Old Gods we killed were starting to escape, so we could beat their heads in because their heads were poking out. N’zoth probably just… wasn’t.

So the only way Azshara could reach him to stab him dead was to open the cage.

Statement: I still believe that sylvanas’ ultimate goal is to revive the late oldgods using her mastery of death and bind them to her will. Unlikely yes, but it is an entertaining notion.

That’s the thing about fiction. The authors can write whatever they want


Wha? That’s lame. For creatures based of the works of Lovecraft, the Old Gods are more like Junior Demi-Gods, Third Class if all it takes to “kill” one is destroying their physical form.

Dammit Blizzard, you just ruined my favourite source of villains in WoW!


And Bruce Wayne’s parents, don’t forget them.

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I think what Rosen meant was for Old Gods born of the Void, their existence is like a fractured mirror, in one reality they are dead but in another they are alive and kicking. The void sees all possibilities as truth after all.


I’ve been saying this for a while. once N’zoth is dead and out of the way, maybe we can move onto something different. :thinking:

Tired of Old Gods. I get some people like the look, but I’m personally tired of the WoW old gods.

Silly Tauren :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

There’s still Xal’atath, the fifth Old God cannibalized by the other four in the early days of the Black Empire, imprisoned in a dagger, and freed by… us :smiley:

Not to mention the Void Lords could make new Old Gods fall from the sky at any time.

I didn’t free nuthen, I tossed that dagger into a molten lava pit.

But why don’t they? Since Azeroth is supposed to be such a powerful world soul, shouldn’t they just be showering us with Old Gods? If Nzoths and Yoggys were falling from the sky, we might be in big trouble…

Or is it just because that would be too OP and it would be game over pretty quickly?

Well, the way Chronicle tells us the Void Lords basically hurl Old Gods through the Universe in random directions trying to hit worlds with Titan world souls by dumb luck lol

Oooh, sounds like a fun game. I dig it.

Even dead gods dream.

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The effectiveness of the Void Lords in their campaign to destroy creation is wholly dependent on RNG.

The Void Lords are Outlaw Rogues and existence is protected by their crappy Roll the Bones throws.

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Their physical forms are killable yes but they are void creations. Their spirits are resirectable