they have said besides possible unpruning which will mainly be to give that “look you get something to choose every couple levels” feeling back they won’t be doing massive overhauls to classes.
As I see it this unpruning will be more like them giving what are current azerite traits back as talents. Since some azerite traits are just that. Stuff that was pruned in the past and slapped on the armour.
So 9.0 doing this may not help some class issues. Example: sub rogue.
Sub rogue had one thing going good for it. And it was taken away. Unless shuriken aspects nerfed/removed is resurrected in 9…this will not change.
Not likely…as this falls under the “we won’t do massive class overhaul in 9” stance. Its what they avoided in 8.1 (?) when they castrated sub spec. they could have fixed shuriken imba or just rip it out. they chose the latter.
Classic has a lot of spread on what you can use but each of your abilities don’t feel like they play off one another (judgment reducing shield of the righteous cd as a simple example, or the plethora of holy priest ability synergy). Instead other people in the party/raid play off how your abilities work. And that’s what I liked about classic. Seeing where I fit into the group and how to tackle X with what we have at least while leveling. Once you get to 60, meta takes over and any option of play another way goes out the window (aka your role and why you are there is preset with no freedom). Instead now in retail, for group content below mythic and higher keys we all sort of just play it fast and loose with one another. Which when it gets down to LFR, you are not at all playing with other people but rather alongside others. Which it “should” be since that content is trivial and usually 1-3 people carry the others for the boss kill. Rather saddening to sort of “feel” that you could replace someone with another person (or drop them) and know that you’ll get to the end point with enough tries (again for all content below mythic and higher keys).
That is subjective. Frankly I found druids better (in some ways) in vanilla and a rogue in classic more enjoyable then in retail.
Big words for someone who doesn’t have any cutting edge to or timed 20+ under their belt. If pve is that easy to get the big gear, what’s with all the blues you’re rocking?
Because I don’t care about raids or mythic+ unless I absolutely am forced to, which, 99% time I have to, but don’t bother. PvE is rote memorization, not even memorization actually, because tools like DBM tell you what to do.
If you wanna duel or war game then we can I guess. I just don’t care about pve, and this current system forces me to do it.
Not necessarily true. I feel that what you firstly described seemed like an amazing way for an MMORPG to work, ie the community is a puzzle and each player is a piece. Personally i’ve Never ran with the go go goers and the 1% I tend to play how I want and enjoy the sand box nature of classic and I make connections with people that are like minded. Retail seems to just be very cookie cutter and all speed no sense of community. It feels like the world is just a options menus and you que for the game.
Bring back glyphs and talent trees.
What is wrong with class design? I don’t think it’s really that bad honestly. I mean I guess to every person it means something different but there are a few outliers like Survival Hunter which obviously is a train wreck of a spec, but outside of that All the classes I play (missing priest/warlock at 120) are all fun.
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OK so 34/36 specs are viable. Also there are feral druids out there that have timed every single key on time at a keystone level of 20. The game is balanced, people just don’t want to face facts.
I play a ret paladin and I get declined from groups 9/10 times. Does that mean my class/spec sucks? No, it means the people declining are ignorant.
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Rogue didn’t become OP until cloak of skill.
So… tanks being top dps again?
Not going to deny that about retail, however those things go away once you get into a guild that likes to do organized content. Just leave the player drop down menus on mythic for dungeons, and heroic/mythic for raiding and you won’t bother with menus much.
There’s literally pages upon pages of class feedback suggested since BFA’s beta. Blizzard chooses to ignore it.
A vendor sure as hell beats RNG slot machine.
I’ve been feeling for years now that modern WoW is more of an arcade game than an RPG.
The world is just a giant lobby.
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I’m more of a Milky Way fan myself.
Revert class design to anytime between Wrath & Cata, because you are correct. Doesn’t matter what kind of content Blizzard releases, It’s trash if playing your class isn’t fun.
And I don’t ever trust blizzard to correct class design ever again, which is why they should go back to prior class design.
The thing is, those kitties could probably push close to 30 if they were playing a more ideal class.
I don’t think it’s those other players who are ignorant. The meta exists for a reason, it’s foolish to disregard that.
Oh ok.
Let’s just move the goalposts from “all” to “34/36” then. 
There are also ret paladins in Classic who get to raid MC, so?
Certainly, my friend.
Perhaps all of the people who deny a balance druid or a priest that’s not a dwarf to a raid is also ignorant.
And if the Vendor has crap gear because there is nothing making PvP gear better we will still be forced into PvE to get gear.
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