I don't care how cool or good the content is in SL, if you dont fix class design all of the cool things you bring into the expansion will be worthless

lol tell that to affliction locks and feral druids trying to get invited anything higher than a +10.


Ok? That doesn’t mean they aren’t viable, that just means pugs want different dps in the ocean of dps that apply.

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It’s only Blizzcon/alpha/beta/9.0/9.1/9.2/9.3!!

Just wait okay, we aren’t in ANY position to decide anything yet so just BUY IT ALREADY! :triumph:


It is MILES better than vanilla. Hell back then you have a single class that could actually tank, warriors. Shamans and Paladins were nothing more then buff bots.

Look I have fond memories of vanilla as well and I miss the old talent trees (being able to build some fun hybrid rogue builds was fun) but balance back then was a nightmare.


I am not sure about that.

Assassination and Outlaw are OP on live retail but they don’t feel good to play. Sub is basically a dead spec in BFA.

I didn’t know threads could have titles that long


Except that Shamans are in the Alliance and Paladins in the Horde. Unacceptable!

I want more complexity and variety in talent trees and builds.
It need not be as complex as PoE or as simplistic as Vanilla, but somewhere in the middle.


People are parroting what other people say mainly. But there are some glaring issues with class design…

For instance, stuff like Unholy and frost Dk have many CDs that are all on the GCD.

Frost mages currently had a build where they did not use Ice lance, a core ability in the spec’s design.

Shadow priest rotation includes these weird moments where you’ll channel mind flay for a single global

Some specs feel great to play in raid (Warlock) but suck to play in Mplus. Throughout the expansion, blizzard has been nerfing specs in one area, without giving much thought to the other

The list goes on and on


Agreed. The classes lost their sense of identity.


in before someone uses urban dictionary words, and definitions to describe what they want to returned to the game haha!


Most of the people who make claims about classes having horrible design couldn’t give any reasoning except for “pruning”, then when you ask about abilities that they’d like to see return and why they should be implemented again they have nothing to say.

Totally agree, class design has gone into a downhill after MoP.

Revert all the class changes (but endless CC) to MoP and it will be a start.


your Anti BFA bias makes you say things like that… in all your post.


True, I don’t remember all of the abilities, but for me that isn’t what I miss.
I miss being able to improve specific abilities albeit limited as it was in the past.

Not bias.

Sub Rogue in BFA is sad compared to vanilla counterpart.

Vanilla Sub Rogue > BFA Sub Rogue.


Remove inquisition. And revert class design of ret to a mixture of legion and WoD. I don’t mind playing a combo point class (aka people wanting holy power removed) but I don’t want feel like I am playing a combo point class.

I didn’t play paladin until late mop, and I can’t remember it well from then. Need to look at some videos (to remember seals or w/e). Although most certainly know based from my own playing in classic and seeing friends that are heavily ranking as paladins, that I do not at all want to go being an auto-attack andy.

Also bring back divine tempest, preferably the double kind that does healing. That was so much fun to use.

Lmao that’s a really funny joke.


All things considered: Sublety spec is amazingly fun to play, and Assassination spec is boring, but Outlaw is where my dps for my Rogue shines, but it’s so bland and mindnumbingly braindead… :confused:

Reserving judgement, but honestly, does anyone see it changing? Every class plays the same. Builder, cooldown, spender. Big heal, medium heal, fast heal. Dispel when the frame lights up. Interrupt a plain bar, stun a shielded bar.

Every class feels the exact same. In fact, most of my classes have the same layout. Interrupt on “F”. Medium cc on g, long cd cc on shift+g. 1-2-3-4-5 = dot, builder, spender, AoE builder, AoE spender. Every now and then I’ll put something on shift 1-5, mostly situation cooldowns and whatnot. Consumables are on my naga key binds.

And every single class fits into this model. Every. Single. One. It’s ludicrous.

So no, I don’t see them making changes, because design by spreadsheet is just “easier”. They can sum the figures to see if works, instead of trying to play it.

And for the love of god, please remove self heals from non healers. Nothing more frustrating than being “non bursty” spec watching a melee with no healing spec heal through the damage you can put out.

Also, find a way to balance healers. Maybe if the entire raid don’t generate 20-30k passive healing they could be tuned a little tighter and have actual mana problems. Also, bring back mana burn. Nothing wrong with it, just bring it back the way it was.