I dont care about Vulpira Give me th Zandalari Warlock I was promised

Zandalari Warlocks should be a thing. If Kul tirans can be mages I don’t see why Zandalari can’t be warlocks.

There is nothing wrong with a specific race having the potential to be all non hero classes. It just shows how superior they are.


Idk, they should be Death Knights as well. Both of them.


OP was not around for WoD clearly if he thinks losing out on a class for an AR is a big deal…

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Your misgivings and dissappintments do not invalidate mines. Bruh lets just cry together in this abandoned corner called customer satisfaction.

I’m a customer, and I’m satisifed with the Zandalari class selection.

I was referring to your wod comment. But if you are happy cool good for you thats your opinion and you are entitled to that. The zandalari warlock community is not happy and we still want this.

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Get used to disappointment


You clearly can’t read names if you mistook him for me.

And I am referring to all the content they showed for WoD that was cut.

Get used to the disappointment of them advertising content that they will possibly cut.

The “zandalari warlock community” can be unhappy all they want. They can wait in line behind the night elf pally, undead pally, gnome pally, ogre race, vulpera race, wildhammer race, the pony that ghostcrawler promised us communities.


I encourage you to pursue this lawsuit. Please share your progress towards this completely necessary and reasonable response to the pixels Blizzard has robbed the community of.


Aren’t ZTrolls supposed to be the very first greatest mortal empire in existence?

How the heck does those dudes not know anything about demons, in all the time they’ve been Trolling around Zandalar.

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You weren’t promised anything. It was put on a slide in error, Blizzard later corrected that error. They explained why Zandalari would not be getting warlocks as a class.

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Sorry im at work and dont spend every minute distinguishing minor features.

I need to ask why do you feel your opinion invalidates mines? Why do you feel that I have to wait in line for things that others have asked and not recieved? You are coming off as very toxic and self centered.

A person wants something that Blizzard announced then pulled, why are you trying to put them down and say they cant have it because other people did not get what they want? Moreover where in blizzcon panels did you see blizzard announce nelf pally, wildhammer race etc? How does any of what you mentioned equate to a Blizzcon presentation panel? It does not which is why you are coming off as very agressive and angry for another persons opinion.

Their explanation was bad. They said for lore reasons they cant bring them in and that because of lore reasons it was an error. The lore of warcraft has demoniacs. Thus their rationale is fundamentally broken.

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You not liking the explanation doesn’t make it bad. Yes the Legion has been apart of Warcraft lore, that doesn’t mean every culture and society on Azeroth will their people summoning them.

Much like the explanation, just because you don’t like the rationale doesn’t make it broken.

Their explanation was that the lore doesnt accept zandalari warlocks. Zandalari warlocks already exist and are called demoniacs. So yes their explanation is bad. You failed to explain how it was good and sound reason.

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Clearly the Zandalari warlocks are chilling out in their customizable garrisons from WoD about to head to their main cities in WoD of Bladespire and Karabor to prep for their run of the Shattrath Raid for Transmog.

(Not everything shown/said at Blizzcon is 100% true.)

Zandalari were given the Paladin class as an option, which almost every Horde player was crying for. May as well count your blessings and be happy. (pardon the pun :slight_smile: )

Still waiting on my new dances from WotLK……

Horde has ample Warlock options for their races, they didn’t need another one. Nothing was PROMISED to you. Anything seen at Blizzcon is ALWAYS subject to change.


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Thats like me telling the high elf alliance community and the vulpira for alliance community to sit down and shut up because they got other things. I guess thats the community you want.

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