I Don't Agree With Quivers In The Back Slot

The quiver should be on the hip anyways, its a movie thing to have it on the back because the big long arrow drawing action looks cool and gives more time for the other actors to react.

I’m sure you can find some historical group that hung them on their back but it was not better place to keep your arrows. There is no advantage other than keeping your hip clear for something else like an extra dagger.

I did read his entire post but I guess I forgot to put you on ignore for your trolling in the other thread. Thanks for reminding me.

heh heh what’s the size of those quivers in your backpack ? 3 inches :rofl:

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Multi-dollar company can’t handle quivers and capes at same time
(even though legion art bow does exactly that)

I see your ability to comprehend is still an issue. You do not understand this thread or someone asking for clarification. You have such a nasty attitude. How sad.

I know, but it’s fantasy not real world. I like my quiver on the back. It’s fun.