I Don't Agree With Quivers In The Back Slot

Sylvanas drops a Quiver.

Everybody is all like “OH FINALLY QUIVER!”

But there’s a big issue here!

Most times when you see a Hunter character with a Quiver, they also have a cloak.

Sylvanas herself is like that. Quiver and cloak.

Alleria, quiver and cloak.

This guy I found on google images? Quiver and cloak.

Because the cloak is part of the Ranger / Archer fantasy.

See? Quiver and cloak!

If they make Quivers as back attachments, then it’s Quiver OR Cloak. You can’t have both.

What they should do is give up on giving up on Class Accessories!

Because quivers were going to be Class Accessories for the Hunter Class!


I wish I could add a quiver to my backpack!


Put on cloak.
Use MM artifact weapon transmog.

It’s not perfect but it’s a workaround.


Honestly I hope the transmog isn’t restricted to hunters so I can finally halfway live my Priestess of the Moon fantasy.


I’m fine with either/or. I have enough stuff clipping already without two back pieces :frowning:

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Why does a priestess of the Moon need a quiver?

It will probably be a very “The Maw” looking quiver though lol

I have to say, as someone who shoots archery on a regular basis IRL, my problem with the quiver on the back is that quivers go on the belt. Quivers going on the back is something that was popularized by Hollywood. It’s just not practical.


I am confused, you are linking something from 2014 and complaining about it.

The hero in WCIII used bows lol


Meh, I’m a tourney archer and traditional bow hunter. I wear a belt-quiver, but fantasy is fantasy. Also, clipping.

Edit: There are also historical examples of back-quivers. See: Bayeux tapestry. I just don’t have the range of motion for one myself.

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To shoot arrows with her bow lol


Characters in this game shoot fire/frost balls, conjure demons (slaves) from other dimensions, and other magical stuff. Practical doesn’t apply :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree with the OP. Frankly, I believe all bows should have quiver models, and uniqueness should come from their design, and where they’re worn (hip quivers all day, baby).


Honestly they really should. It’d make up for bow users not getting enchant appearances.


They really missed out by not having hunter belts that had a quiver attached at the waist back in Legion. Now, no more class sets, so probably won’t happen ever. Unless they bring back sets again (fingers crossed. Loved that hunt).

I was being quasi-facetious.

Don’t go giving Blizzard any hip-quiver ideas though.

As a Vulpera, my hunter’s hip-quiver would be clipping the ground so hard you’d see it in Deepholm.


I mean, surely if they have quivers and cloaks there’s a second back attachment point on all models (including players) that isn’t being used, right?

They have said that class sets should be coming back later in the xpac. So there is hope. Just don’t get too many hopes up, they say a lot of stuff like that, that never ends up happening.

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