I Don't Agree With Quivers In The Back Slot

Here’s an easy fix: transmoggable dusters and trench coats.

Put on back quiver, use MM artifact transmog. Dual quivers.

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The real issue is its effects mainly to hunters but seems all can get it…this gonna make hunter life more frustrating and a kick in the kodoes weekly for those whos personal loot is cursed by rng lol.

If they don’t make it hunter only, I want the quiver just for a unique transmog option

Never worn a cloak.

People have used the word quiver far too much all at once and now it sounds really weird to me.

Qui ver
Quiv er


I’m sure I could make a cool transmog with just a quiver, no cloak. But if I’m going for a dark ranger vibe, I gotta have a cloak. Just give hunters a quiver slot like we’ve been asking for since this game began. This shouldn’t be rocket science.

You’re hunting wrong.

Does it set you…a quiver?

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They should have brought back the class specific slots for thematic purposes. Quivers for hunters. Librams for pallys etc.

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Should be the modal itself as a cloak with a quiver. If it is suppose be a special transmog them actually make it special. We already know the art team will make it amazing.

And this is the downside to a special model.

who says they gotta wear a cape and a quiver on their back? also realistically they’d be using arrows which were removed from the game hense the quiver to begin with yet we don’t have arrows in game anymore

Nobody gotta do anything, you can go around without a cape or a quiver and shoot arrows materialized out of thin air.

But this is a Warcraft game and if you look at archers, rangers and hunters in the Warcraft RTS you’ll see there’s a general pattern of these guys using a cloak and a quiver.

Being that we are playing a Warcraft game, I imagine there’s a significant amount of playerbase interest in making your character look like they fit in the Warcraft universe and stuff.

Are you suggesting we get both and have fun?

Absolutely not!

You get out of here!! :point_right:

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Perhaps try reading his entire post and you will not be confused and resort to poor comments.

Yes, indeed.

You. Pipsqueak. Pipe down. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I couldn’t resist.

Semper Fi! :us:

I can’t down anymore or my head will clip through the ground :frowning:

Well then, sets a beer on Copperfang’s head hold my beer.
Semper Fi! :us:

I see you quiver with anticip…


yea thus brings me back to the quiver and arrow situation. whats the point of having a quiver if we don’t even have real arrows? it’s all just for looks and i mean many people been asking for quivers for a LONG time now as a cosmetic.

having quiver + cloak would be nice for those that want that aspect but only having 1 option no not everyone wants a cloak and quiver like me if i played a hunter idgaf for a cloak + quiver combo aesthetically. i mean it’s 1 step further either gotta take it or leave it for now and hope they make more xmogs with cloak/quivers for those who do want it.