I done more in swtor and gw2 then i done in ff14

ff14 is only good if you MAIN game it. no one is around during fates. combat is so dam slow. dungeon ques are longer then tbc horde ques. yeah one toon can be all classes and it sucks. i can continue on how so many things is just bad.

But i know they dont have the budget to fix or make it better. the game is slow there is a reason why ff14 boosts skips a lot of the game.


It’s cute that people think FF14 is the problem and the enemy.

It’s the symptom. The problem is WoW.


i dont think ff14 is a problem nor an enemy. i believe the hype around around it is fake when i compare it to WoW, swtor and gw2.


AGREED OP, we know that some wow players just found out that final fantasy had an MMO in the last week so they’re trying to say it’s the next wow killer even though it’s a HORRENDOUS game to be honest.

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I love swtor and gw2.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:



But these aren’t the swtor, gw2 nor the ff14 forums.

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thank you hidden player

Mmm, may check it out after my classic run.
Wiggles toes

Considering you have already proven you don’t know the first thing about that game, I doubt you will get fed tonight.



how so you leave no explanation or reasoning

I honestly don’t see what the big hub bub about FFXIV is it’s just too similar to wow to even bother switching to. I guess end game is a little more casual friendly… don’t think I’ll ever know because I can’t stand the games horrendous boring grind to get there.

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We’re no strangers to love.
You the rules, and so do I.

its all human races in ff14 with colorful hair

Because I don’t even need to say anything. You do my work for me. :rofl:


The only thing I really miss from SWTOR is Huttball. I love me some Huttball.


I raise you this.

Wiggles toes


you dont play anything at all nor explain anything

best rpg bg i seen so far