I don’t understand Discipline Priests

It’s like asking how prot wars are topping the heal chart. You act before damage, not after. It is the opposite of holy. Why would every single heal spec need to work the same way? If that’s not how you want to heal, then don’t heal that way. Absorb gameplay is a totally different head space. You are paying attention to what the monsters are doing, that’s the whole point of disc.


it’s literally one of the best healer specs in the game for raid.

it’s healing revolves around reducing damage you take, not healing it up, that’s the job of your other healers.

it has been a complete success.


Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that. Who are you trying to convince? Me? Or yourself?



It’s perfectly synergistic with the standard healing concept of restoring missing health and also heals by doing a good chunk of damage in a meta where healers are intended to be so doing.
Them two facts make 'em great.

Trick to disc is you learn the fight on holy first. Once you’re aware of when the damage is coming it’s just a simple matter of mastering your ramp up.


This is spot on!

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I avoid being holy ever but yeah… it’s just a matter of learning the fights so you know when to to start ramping.

Seasoned Disc healers (or those who are used to mitigation healing) can usually feel out when to ramp up pretty easily for sure. When you’re just trying to get into that mind-set, Holy is great training wheels.

It’s very different from all the other specs, and I’d even say Fistweaving is worlds more forgiving on you if you mess up. I’m a coward and went Night Fae because I’m so out of practice, and that mana regen feels good for cleaning up mistakes.

I will admit it is no bueno in M+ and is why I switched to RDruid S2, but we will see how it plays out in DF. We have access to some usually-holy-only abilities so we will see.

edit: Grievous was the only thing I found really problematic, but Druid worked better overall.

Disc main since Cata. I may be overly seasoned at this point.


Honestly just play Holy, they’re better in every way.


Me personally, I am sick of the accuses. They Nerfed bubble to the ground first month BFA. Then mana. Along with huge nerfs on DPS over and over and over for 3+ year’s until holy’s smit is what 2x+ disc. The only buff disc got was for divine star, what a sick joke. Now they want us to swop stances. Please…

Just scrap it make disc fun again and less stressful.

I don’t know what ill play in DF if at all. I have unsubed. Maybe ill roll aDruid after what you told me


I’d love if they went back to the Cata version of Disc, but whatever they do I will probably stick with it regardless because it is my baby.


the trick to playing disc is playing at least 5 seconds into the future, if you are catching up on damage then you are in for a bad time.

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I loved Cata but had a baby and didn’t play much.

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For the first time in about a decade, holy has escaped the cage Disc had it in.

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Disc was so good I literally was dual specced as… Disc. Both for PvE. Lol.

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Disc needs to be the highest DPS healer for their playstyle to be worthwhile. Right now it does less DPS than Holy.


Buffs pls.

I’d like to see a return of shield disc. That was fun to play and less panic inducing.