I do not understand the outrage

The fact you’re enjoying Blizzard failing and letting down paying customers is… well, telling.

The clone is the sole excuse they could have, but it’s still not good. They had plenty of time to ensure it worked properly.


You do know they had all this time to get it ready right? they didnt start working on this at 8am today. Perfect planning prevents poor performance. Expect better. Your lack of standards is showing


I guess what’s sad about it is that it’s just the pre-patch. It really shouldn’t take this long to release it, especially when they should have had this all set and ready to go beforehand to the point where they just had to make it live. It honestly shows how poor of a state they are in preparation.


Will I get banned if I point out the irony? Anyone? Thoughts?


It was set to release at 6PM EST originally. It’s now set to be available to play at 1AM March 19th. Blizzard said the prepatch would available on the 18th, and that is very clearly not the 18th, and likely far after when most people that play this game go to bed. If you can’t see the outrage you either do not pay for your sub, or do not work.


Maybe you shouldn’t be invested in a game that will soak up months of your life if you work that often then. If I was in a situation where I worked 33%+ more, I would not even touch a MMORPG. It’s illogical in my opinion. People who work an insane amount brought about boosts into the game, or people who only care about end game, but that is a different discussion.

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How stupid are you? It doesn’t matter if there’s a logical reason for it when it’s still a bad thing. If there was no logical reason it’d be even worse.

How do they have plenty of time? They were literally doing it during the down time, something they have NEVER done before.

You have no idea what goes into doing something like this so shhhhhhh child shhhh

And what do you mean this isn’t a good excuse? I feel like if they messed up the clone and having people not allowed to play the version of classic they want would be a fairly big mess up if it didn’t go flawlessly, so yeah that’s a pretty good excuse. I’ll wait a week in downtime if my xhacrsters for sure make it over.

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I pay for my sub and I do work. I don’t expect perfection and I do not consider what Blizzard says is absolute. I have been dealing with there mishaps for over 10 years. I am used to it. Everyone throwing an outrage must be experiencing it for the first time. I remember my first time.

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If it meant not being able to enjoy what I was scheduled for because it was broke, yeah I would rather do something else until it was right.

This MF is spittin. This guy needs promoted ahead of his peers. Big Brain Plays.

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The fact that you think anybody “Has” to play this game is a joke

Except this isn’t a bad thing. You are just a child with narrow minded vision and don’t understand that just because something is annoying doesn’t mean that it’s bad.

So you’re saying that I shouldn’t play a game I enjoy because I have less free time than you? Really?


Good thing your opinion is irrelevant.

No they didn’t. 40 hours is also not, “insane”. Just because you work part time doesn’t mean anyone who works more is overworked or working an, “insane” amount.

I never asked for boosts, and I never plan to utilize them. Just because I have less free time doesn’t mean I can’t level.


Oh, well hopefully you’re okay with the cable guy showing up 7 hours after his arrival window. When you pay for a service, it’s the company’s responsibility to deliver that service, and when that service is not delivered paying customers have every right to be upset.


Guaranteed things will still be broken once the servers come up.

I never said that.

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You do realize that Blizzard had intentions for this system way before today, right? Sure, the snapshot was recent - but that doesn’t mean the system was. It could have been tested and made ready long before, like any logical company would have done to ensure a smooth launch.

The intense brown nosing from you and other Blizzdrones is hilarious. You defend the company regardless of what they do for… well, no reason at all. You gain nothing. You mock people who are rightfully frustrated and annoyed at Blizzard’s incompetence. And you act like what they’re doing is brain surgery.


The people who built the Titanic had plenty of time to make sure it would avoid icebergs too, but you see how that worked out.

A 7+ hour delay on the preliminary release for TBC is absolutely a bad thing, and a failure. Deadlines are deadlines, and when you announce things you should be damn embarrassed not to hit that.

If I was a, “child” with a, “narrow minded vision” I wouldn’t be as frustrated because I wouldn’t work full time and have other responsibilities.

If you think delays aren’t bad, then I’m sorry, but you’re just stupid.

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You have less free time so it makes sense that you are mad. It is Blizzard. What do you expect? Are you new? It seems like it. I always expect the worse so that I am never disappointed. You should do the same.

And yes I am saying that. Again my opinion though. If I can not no-life a game, I rather not play it. Thankfully I can because I work from home year-round & I can play while I work. Not everyone has that luxury. My opinion can be irrelevant to you, sure. I do not mind that.