I do not believe in ghosts

So why do things like supernatural thrillers and such scare me? The obvious answer is that there is some part of me that does believe or, is at least open to the possibility. Now, in my more lucid moments I dismiss the idea out of hand.

So, there I am, bored and a couple of hours from bed time. After browsing through some films on a streaming service, what do I pick? Paranormal Activity.


I live alone.

Even not smarter.

I am an adult. I am a total wimp. That ending though…

I ain’t afraid of no ghost.


I am a ghost and i am behind d you.

Just leave the lights on. Also, if the closet is open, don’t look at it. Trust me.

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The first one of that series gave me the sp00kies back in high school when it came out.

I remember i saw it in theaters one day before football practice. I was injured so i remember sitting on the bench by myself, alone with my thoughts. Waiting for a spooky ghost to get me

Quick! Watch cute animal videos to feel better


Truth :grimacing:


Don’t worry I’ll open it for her like a true gentle orc :sunglasses::sunglasses:

SLAMS TIGHT nuffin going on in there.

If it’s any consolation, those noises you’re hearing in your house right now aren’t ghosts.

It’s me.

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They do, but in a different sharded universe.

In fact, you are the center of your universe and we all live in the universe that gets constantly sharded every moment around us, with parallel universes multiplying in infinite numbers.

That’s like deep man.

There is actually a phenomenon called the Shadow People, I think. It’s based on people often seeing what looks like faint traces of people when they turn the light on from total darkness, or look in the mirror with no light on, etc.

I think there’s an article about it on Wiki.

I used to be a hell of mathematician and spent about 5 years of my life thinking on the subject of space travel, the nature of movement, how we can move through infinite number of dots in space and saw the equation of space travel but decided to abandon my search when I saw its double edge, how such a knowledge can be used to rip the very fabric of time and space. When I die, I will die with the secret. I’ve been watching the human race and honestly I don’t think we are ready for such a knowledge yet. When the time comes, I am sure someone else will rediscover the equation again.

Sweet mercy that just makes me HUNGRY!!!

Seems very string theory-esque.

OP, this thread and your post have nothing to do with World of Warcraft.

Eugh all that grease and cute adorbs is high in fat!

I don’t believe in monsters or ghosts either but I still refuse to let my foot dangle off the edge of my bed, feels like i’m about to get grabbed every time.

word of advice, don’t look up memes about strangers invading yer house.