I do not believe in ghosts

I do believe that we are spiritual beings living on a temporary physical plain, and when we see, hear or feel these things, that is us seeing through the veil.
That being said I choose not to look through that veil and prefer to watch youtube videos like this instead.

What is REAL is your consciousness, just know that, your soul is real.
Every 10 years or so, all the cells in your body get replaced but does this change who you are? It was you when your mind was trapped in the child’s body. It was still you when you were a teenager body, and it was you when your body got older.

What is Real does not change and is permanent and whatever changes is not real - Plato

The world we see with our senses are like the surface of the ocean. Underneath the waves we see, there is the real ocean, the world we cannot see.

Depending on the Karma level
 sort of speak
, or the level of consciousness, we all get sharded to different realms at the end of our lives. Some will get sharded to shadow realms while the others will get sharded to realms filled with lights.

Strangers are just people you haven’t met yet. However, consider the fact that you have never met yourself. This means you are a stranger to yourself, so there’s a stranger in your house right now!

i met myself.
he’s a great guy who loves chili fries.

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Generally movies like that don’t depend on the content or characters in order to scare people. A lot of what scares a person in a horror movie is actually a combination of the lighting and the music. If you ever want to test this out, just watch a horror movie with the sound off, it’s basically a joke.

That’s when you know you have a truly special/good scary movie. When it doesn’t rely on LOUD CLANGING NOISE to scare you. I don’t believe in ghosts or monsters (nonsense) but the movie The Exorcist and Alien still give me nightmares to this day.

Mr. Krabs?

Exorcist is an especially nasty one. For me it has to be Nightmare on Elm Street, I watched the first one when I was around six or seven or so and it scared the bejesus out of me.

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Did someone say scary movie?

Next time you’re scared just recite this little poem:

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,

He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;

He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Whether YOU believe in ghosts or not is totally irrelevant. What REALLY matters is whether ghosts believe in YOU.

Ghosts are simply ego remnants, partial identities made of oscillating, virtual-particle clouds held together by stagnant emotion.

Wave a strong electromagnet around (variable pulse for best results) and you’ll be okay.

If I recall correctly, ghosts don’t like salt or iron. Keep those handy just in case. :smiley:

At the very least you can sprinkle the salt on your taters. Mmmmm. Salty taters.