I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

You’re close. There’s a word involved that you are dancing around.

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What other word

You’re almost there.

Can you spell it out instead of being a smarmy jackass

I think naaru pretty directly encapsulate what I’m getting at: they are helpful when Light, antagonists when Void.

Except Xe’ra, who is pretty much the prime example and genesis of The Light maybe not being as good as we thought.

I literally did.

I aint seeing it, you said and i quoate “agents and uses of are benevolent. The other one is malevolent.” Saying directly that all agents and uses of the light is benevolent. having a second sentence about the other one says nothing about the agents and uses of the light

Unfortunatey most will choose Door No. 2.


Behold, that which spawned this tangent.

i want a milky way.

no this is the one that spawned the argument

Try reading through the discussion again and see if you can figure out where we’re at.

So you’re just gunna continue to be the smarmy jackass right

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I’m basically at about 3% convinced you’re actually interested in having the discussion instead of trying to find a convenient box to put me in so you can disregard anything I say instead of just taking my words at face value.

But here goes: I say almost always benevolent, you say it requires sentience, I clarify that agents (and general usage) of are what conveys said benevolence.

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Okay but thats also just now how that works, just using something for a benevolent purpose doesn’t make the thing benevolent. You could have just clarified this instead of taking the worst possible conclusion on what i was trying to do

It is a supporting statement to the fact that every time we deal with The Light, it is as an ally, excepting Xe’ra and Dreadlord manipulation w/ the Scarlets.

Every time we deal with The Void, it is as an enemy, excepting Locus-Walker and the Velves. Edit: The one example we have of a pure void lord entering reality, it destroyed a planet.

If I misread the intent, apologies, but it seemed like you were attempting to paint me as a blind Light stan, then as a blind Orc stan.

It was still Christians who gave the Roman Empire freedom of religion that it didn’t have before (people weren’t fed to lions for refusing to pay taxes to Emperor Constantine or not going to church).

Even Xe’ra was an ally too, some people just forget because they’re blinded by her attempt to Lightforge Illidan (she helped bring him back form Gul’dan trapping his soul and stealing his body, plus helping us fight the Burning Legion). You’ve got the point about the Dreadlords, though.

Are people actually arguing that, certain forces in the WoW cosmology are inherently good or evil in 2024?

They’ve already established that they want Chronicles to be read from the perspective of a Pro-titan narrator and that narrator is unreliable. In addition, they added good beings in the Shadowlands. Evil beings of the light. They presented an alternate universe possibility that the light would bring oppression.

The titans and the light aren’t good anymore. Shadow isn’t evil. Heck, it won’t be long before we meet a benevolent void lord and the ties between the void and the life lands are explored. Morality is canonically subjective now, until they decide to switch it back.

You can cite sources from when it wasn’t. But it definitely is.

It just became the latest in state religions. By this time however the empire had been divided and the Western Empire that contained Rome was well into it’s sunset while the East empire was evolving into Byzantium and would be hosting what we know today as the Orthodox Church.

But each Roman family had it’s own private set of gods. I was reminded of this in that line from ST: The Animated Series when a time traveling Spock introduces himself as Selek… “on pilgrimage to the family shrine to honor our gods”

But that didn’t preclude them from other things. Hebrew mystery cults in particular were the rage among Roman intelligentsia, kind of like how Zen Buddhists were a fad during the post-Hippy days. Roman culture in general was polytheistic… as long as you gave the Emperor primacy by paying your taxes and didn’t say things that incited rebellion.

And that was the problem in Judea, many of the would-be Messiahs of the time did exactly that… and that led to the destruction of the Kingdom of Judea circa 70 CE.

I think most people agree with you. It is more like saying Metzen era WoWverse was different from Danuser era SL WoWverse.

Edit: the only hanging ? is how much of Danuser’s diarrhea party compelling diarrhea lasagna changes Metzen feels like carrying forward.