The question I am going to ask is what this political discussion have anything to do with the Light being the Bad guys within the story of WoW? Because most of this would not be wrong for being flagged at this point.
And Hamas meets them all.
I was talking about before any Europeans arrived when it was just Native Americans; don’t try to hide from that with cowardly whataboutisms because you know you can’t refute it.
Says the person supporting China and Palestine (if Hitler were alive, he’d side with Palestine too, he hated Muslims less than he hated Jews), who are cribbing from the Third Reich more than the US ever has.
You’re right. I’ve said my piece. If others want to keep their heads in the woke sand over the situation, more fool them.
They’re absolutely being deprived of self-determination and targeted deliberately. When you’re targeting hospitals, schools and refugee camps, you’re a terrorist killing civilians. The Lancet’s latest estimation of the death toll in Gaza since the beginning of the IDF’s operations is around 186 000. 186 000 dead is not collateral damage. Stop.
Or a concert. And don’t pretend Hamas aren’t targeting hospitals and schools in Israel.
I don’t consider settlers civilians, again. Also this video helps. “Terrorism” wasn’t always a bad word.
All I did was make another argument. If one Native American tribe did what the USA later did to the natives as a whole, the victim tribe had the right to fight back
In fact, Cortez only beat the Aztecs with the help of Native collaborators who were oppressed by the Aztecs. If only they knew what would happen to them after the war was over.
I don’t support China, but they’re less evil than America. Comparing Palestine to the Third Reich is racist.
Zionists collaborared with Hitler in the Havaara agreement.
You’re trying to whitewash terrorism to prop up “your side”. That says it all. I’m not sure whether that’s funny or sad.
Hey Thadeus, it’s funny how you always hype up your objective morality, but say so many racist things.
No, but the broadest definition of terrorism encompasses anti-colonial resistance. It’s a morally neutral term.
You lot cry “racist!” like the Boy who cried “Wolf!” Weak and false personal attack unworthy of further refutation.
What do you mean by you lot?
Woke leftists
I don’t consider liberals leftists. Leftists imo, are anarchists, communists, socialists, and the like. By that definition, almost no wow player is a leftist, including here.
I feel like “woke” is used so often by people that its lost all meaning… at this point its a term that people on the right use to say “something I don’t agree with” - and it could be over anything.
A lot of liberals are leftists. Plus you share a lot of leftist talking points and inconsistencies, so I take your words with a grain… no, a bucket, of salt.
If true, then just like “racist” is used so often by people that its lost all meaning… at this point its a term that people on the left use to say “something I don’t agree with” - and it could be over anything (other terms they also do this with “sexist”, “fascist”, “zealot” and the four letter word for a Third-Reich supporter). Along with that “It’s okay when we do it” hypocrisy.
PS, didn’t you want to return this discussion to the original thread?
Liberals agree with you more than they do with me, including on israel.
No, I share nothing with them. Liberals support capitalism and the state of Israel. I don’t.
Not sure what “liberals” means in the American context but as far as I’m concerned liberalism and leftism are strictly antithetical lmao
Nah who cares that thread sucks anyway
Again, I specifically mentioned Nero and Caligula as two key figures responsible for the disintegration of the Roman social contract over the territories it ruled. Nero set fire to the city of Rome because he wanted to push his version of urban renewal past a Senate which refused to accomodate him. But he needed a scapegoat to cover his involvement, so he did what any dictator would have done, pick some obvious minority without the numbers to fight back. Caligula was just plain nuts. But he was a nut on the throne until the leader of his own Praetorian Guard decided that too much was enough.
Posting in a cursed thread.
Yes and no - if you use the word sexist - then you know that they boxing in that person to discriminates based on sex, racist its based on race… Zealot is probably closer - but there is a religious tone to the word. Are the words overused - by some for sure - but you at least know what box the person is trying put someone in.
But when I try asking people how they define woke - they typically can’t give me a straight answer. Like can you define what woke is outside of it being “leftist” or can you point to an “Anti-woke Leftist”?
I do - but its clearly not going to happen in the next hour or so - might as well enjoy the sidetrack while were on it.