I dissagree with the Light being the Bad guys

You did the meme again!

So, the Cult of Twilight’s Hammer exploits the downtrodden so they literally help kill the world?

Since the Scarlet Crusade aren’t looking to kill the world, or those outside what the consider their turf, unlike the Hammer, I’d say that’s false equivalence, my contrarian acquaintance.

I’ve already addressed this elsewhere, but you might not have seen it, so I’ll just leave this here;

Except everyone in the Army of the Light was a volunteer and they were still able to disagree with or challenge Xe’ra.

If that was all it took, why didn’t Xe’ra just use the Light on Alleria instead of trying to hurt or imprison her for breaking the “No Void” rule on her ship?

I remember what you used to be like.

But you want to pretend it never happened (I could make some personal attacks here based on what I know, but I won’t unless you do first and I think a taste of your own medicine will get through your new arrogance). I’d be happy letting sleeping dogs lie if you weren’t so rude and dishonest about me.

Grow up.

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