Yet another retailer who pretends that retail and classic classes are remotely similar.
people are zerging in classic as well. how is it any different? even if classic had 1.5 people would still zerg to get more honor/rep so they can rank and get rewards. do you not understand this?
petitions are against the terms of use. you might wanna hide that thread before you get reported and eat a forum suspension.
How convenient that there is no way for you to back this up with facts, seeing as we do not have the 15th anni version in classic. Why don’t you and your other retail trolls go back to GD.
Ah, moving on to concern trolling now. Good grief, just leave.
i play classic as well. if people wanted to turtle and defend now they would in classic but it’s more lucrative to just lose quickly and requeue.
The number of people who actually played on pservers and are now playing classic WoW is maybe 5,000 total in both the US and Europe, there never were tons of people playing. Nost had the most at 10,000 or so being online at the same time…This classic re release of AV is just a complete joke it has nothing to do with pserver players.
WPvP ownz all. BGs are for carebears & boomers.
Well considering the final bosses don’t have their buffs like in 1.12 (from towers)… what did they expect? So much for the #nochanges because that is the biggest change I’ve seen yet.
So do you think player attitude made the difference for you guys?
It’s for the 15th anniversary. It’s not going to stick around after the anniversary ends.
What you see here is similar to Private Server AV, not Vanilla AV.
Wrong. Players are just more efficient now. Its the same reason horde constantly camp boats.
It probably differs from game to game. But it’s the players who set the culture for the game/match.
If people get enjoyment out of ranking fast they will push for a zerg, if people want to pvp they wont care if it’s Av win in 5 minutes or 5 hours.
some of that pvp gear is actually still really good in pve
nice try memeon hunter
That is not correct. I played on Light’s Hope and matches lasted an average of 20 to 30 minutes up from 5 to 10 minutes here. Sometimes matches lasted for a few hours, but it wasn’t that common.
You’ve likely nailed it. I was playing when it became possible and more profitable to just burn two bunkers and rush Vann back in Cata. People complained about that, too…but very, very few tried to do anything different.
Wrong, there were 2 versions of AV in Vanilla. One was the original long turtle, and then they nerfed the NPC’s into the ground in Patch 1.6 and 1.8, when NPC respawn timers were “greatly nerfed” (Blizz words, not mine) and the major change was when all NPC’s were nerfed into the ground, nerfing the damage they dealt by 30%.
On top of all that, this is also a bugged version in which the Marshalls, Warmasters and Generals don’t have any of thier massive buffs (due to the bug).
You are a special kind of person to believe that only 5k players played on pservers.