Give us our legendary AV back. sign this petition

We have a voice let it be heard.

AV is legendary, It become folklore of the hours long battles and what we reminisced about for years. Many came back to relive this legendary BG in its original form.

Sign this petition, by posting in this forum let’s get our beloved BG back


You wanted vanilla

you got the last iteration of AV in vanilla.

whats the problem?


Na, we good, we have the most complete version of vanilla WoW.

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No. It’s been 15 years, give it up already man. Classic is not Vanilla. People do not want the hour long AVs. If they did, we wouldnt have to witness these zerg fests right now.

hours long AV is bad for the game, bad for honor rankings, bad for players wasting time, bad for casual players looking to farm efficient honor, bad for players looking to actually get the reputation rewards…Its just not a good way to play alterac valley. Is Zerging to the end as quickly as possible the most fun you can have? No. Does this mean that YOU and every one in your 40 man raid NEEEDS to do this? No. So how about you play the way you want to, engage in that turtle game, and other players will play how they want to…Stop complaing that others wont play a game the way YOU want them to play it

Nope. I love the honor farm.

do korrak’s on retail. it takes horde 15m to burn towers and zerg the boss. and that’s the 1.5 AV you guys want so much. hours long AVs will never happen again with the wow player base as it is.


I sign np. If you want to PVE go raid, I for one want to have an epic battle. not a pve race.


Signed, maybe 1.5 won’t be perfect but would be better than this.


Not everything needs to be maximized efficiency. Not everyone cares about honor/hour calculations. Some people enjoy the epic battle for the sake of the epic battle. This attitude is fine and all, but since there is no other place in World of Warcraft retail or classic to get the epic long battle experience AV needs to be restored to the epic battle it was for those players that enjoy it.


go play retail. korrak’s revenge is 1.5 AV. you can queue at level 10 and you’ll be 60 in it. you’ll also notice the zerg that happens when horde wins 9/10 in 15m or so.

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Well said.

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

Just because you play one way,I play another, and a third player plays a totally different way then Blizzard should definitely cater to you with the loudest voice? Sure AV is the only battleground with the “potential” to turn into an epic 40 v 40 battle. But AV is also the ONLY battleground with pve elements purposely implemented. So the battleground is intended to have PVE flavors for those who want to pve while also killing opposing players and gaining honor. Its not meant to be a solely pvp experience and you shouting for it to be changed into an only pvp experience because you want it that way is doing a disservice to all of the other players who play different ways. Blizzard gives us the playground to play in and gives multiple options to everyone on how to enjoy their playground. However, the majority of players have spoken with their actions and are playing one way that you dont like and your reaction is to turn around and complain that blizzard allowed these players to have fun the way they wanted? You are 100% free to defend your faction leader from the 40 man horde and turn your AV unto a turtle. IF you kill enough of the enemy and they havent captured a close graveyard then they will go all the way back to the start essentially creating the turtle gamer you are craving. Be the player and the change you are looking for…

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Signed. +1

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Cater to? Because I (and many others) want one aspect of one game to be a specific way?
The Epic AV era, wasn’t about a purely PVP experience, so that argument is completely off base. It was about a long drawn out battle due to design. This so called freedom of choice you are arguing for is false.


Ew no. I want 30 mins maximum. I’m getting my rep and dipping.

Stop it, hollllyyyyyyy

You’re like 1% of the population that want 1.12 av, go away troll.


Please speak for yourself. Everything in the game is face paced so there is no issue having one meaningful slow BG like AV as it was in vanilla 1.08.