I didn't play vanilla and this is hillarious

All that talk about sick AVs lasting all day, grinding and now in 2019 it’s nothing more than a 3-4 minute running simulator for PVP gear that won’t be used because no one pvps! Blizzard you have outdone yourself, I love it!


Horde need Don hulios for when they go back to FP camping.

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Go back to retail nobody cares


Same (tips fedora)

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In Oceania, we are having normal games, Not the grand old battles but not ignore everything and zerg either.

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Doesn’t surprise me something like this would happen. All the pserver players are to blame imo. They have done resets for over 10 years and know the ins and outs of everything classic has to offer. And it’s just as much of a cake walk to them compared to a pserver.

AS far as I’m concerned, pserver players ruined the game.


People were saying this before it even dropped because of the version of AV they went with.


Retail ironically gets the more Vanilla AV.


As someone who did play vanilla and didn’t really see the magic in classic i can also assure you it’s just as hilarious for people like me.


Was about to say this… Retail gets the version we want for… reasons?

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Average length of game so far is < 10 minutes, for me anyway. See:

But I haven’t selected anything other than first available when queuing. Maybe getting into one of the already in-progress games might get you into a longer lasting match but there’s no way to predict unless you see the same BG id over time.

It’s because they chose to use the 1.12 version of AV, despite the feedback from the community.


To all those complaining about how “Retailers” got the “good AV” lemme tell ya…its the same stuff guys, its a pure zerg in retail as well for anniversary event, the match is over in 15min…


i’ve been trying to explain this all night. i’m being argued with by lots of people though. it is horde zerging and winning in 15m.


Yes dude thank you!!!

The famous muh muh muh ol AV is the exact same thing, horde zergs and wins in 15min. GG

Lets all just admit that no matter what blizz did concerning Classic that it would be shredded on the forums by this great community.

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They could last longer actually, it all depended

korrak’s is as close to “real” AV as retail or classic will ever get, and it’s a zergfest because of what people know now and they don’t want to waste their time pvping for 5 hours when they want their currency and to requeue for even more when they win again. it would be no different in classic either with the way the rewards work. people would zerg for max rewards/rep.


Sign this petition to get our legendary AV back


It gave blizzard “Clarity” to give what classic players were asking for to BFA.
