An argument frequently advanced. However, from a quantitative standpoint, this is incorrect. There is always more war, whereas peace usually refers to ‘the last mission’. In comparison, this is only a fraction of the overall picture.
The norm is this exception.
Throughout these alliances of convenience, there was always a tinge of suspicion. What’s new is that the Horde and Alliance are acting as if they were best friends. That makes no sense after 30 years of slaughter.
More disappointed he’s still alive. From WoD to now, he’s constantly outsourced his job’s responsibilities and has been invading our privacy and stalking us since Legion. Way past time for a new guardian. Should’ve kept his old design too. This beardless version has always felt wrong.
And Drek’thar has been in a wheelchair for decades and he’s no sad sack. Next guardian should be a Horde race.
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So that gives us Aethas?
The Guardian is a position heavily tied to the Kirin Tor and the Kirin Tor is largely a human faction.
If we get a new Guardian you already know it’s going to be Jaina.
And ‘write them as women’? How narrowminded can you get?
It’s always the same complainers who hate the story because of their own inadequacies and tiny pov. Its a wonder why they play the game anymore since they clearly hate it.
Is it getting too…Disney!!.. perhaps???
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Why not a Horde race?
Is the Kirin Tor racist against non humans? The Kirin Tor is about Mages, not humans.
Time for a change.
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The answer is simple: the game has still a lot to offer in terms of gameplay.
Story critics are typically distinguished by the fact that they sometimes have a better understanding of Lore than the actual writers, or that they are connoisseurs who can judge quality quite well.
The standards aren’t even that high, though. That is evidenced by Warcraft’s popularity in the first place. This quest, on the other hand, is written at a level below amateur.
To label those who criticize a drop in quality as small-minded is, in itself, rather small-minded.
“Time for a change” “Why not a Horde race”
I’m not against the idea, I’m just asking WHO because the Kirin Tor is mostly humans as it stands
The whole storytelling is lame as and makes no sense. Continuation of the same stuff from DF.
They all but thanked xalatath for destroying dalaran because it showed them their ways were wrong.
And not one mention of the Horde. Alliance this, Alliance that. Boo!!!
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There is , just keep it on the DL
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Og wow? Squabble squabe AV, WSG, AB, omg silithids we must unite
Tbc? Squabble squabble eots, wpvp towers. Omg illidan we must unite!
Wrath? Squabble squabble wintergrasp, omg arthas we must unite!
Cata? Deathwing! We must unite!
Mop? Okay. Look, a war.
Wod? We must unite!
Legion? We must unite!
Bfa? A war.
Shadowlands, df, tww? We’re already united lets just skip the makeup sex and get to work.
Its been a 20 year theme.
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Indeed. It’s called availability bias.
You remember these key elements (‘the last mission’), but they only make up a small percentage of the total content in each expansion - which is mostly a (cold) war.
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Bad writing is bad all because it expects the progressive tones to carry it. News flash, progressiveness doesn’t outright make a story good.
I’m all for diversity and all that stuff. Just wish more folks would ask for good writing as well. So much of this is way too beyond-fiction (Too far detached to be believable or good).
It isn’t at Disney level… look we had a " teleports behind you, nothing personal kid" moment" already this expansion.
WoW writing isn’t competing with Disney… its competing with shadow the hedge hog. The worse part is it is arguably losing.
Sonic rivals/battle? 2 had a more emotionally and mature plot then the war within so far.
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No… its JUST got bad… we must be in an uproar about it.
Games are playable.
Movies are 100% cutscenes. Not the game I want to play.
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Yeah, not a fan of him and his guilt or whatever.
I did not get it, I have no idea why you needed boats if you could float the stuff up
on air anyway. Just put my finger to my lips and went BBBBBBBB and I guess I will wait for the next xpac.
So your home is destroyed, friends/ family members killed, all while you have to fight for your life and you are not supposed to feel sad. Grieve maybe even be a little depressed. You Seven Dwarf it up and go back to work or you can be angry.
When my parents died I was back at school or work the next day doing what needed to be done. I still was sad, depressed, and grieving what is the problem with showing that. The only thing I would have added was a dialog option for me to tell him, “I guess this is how the people of Theramore felt.” I would have liked the option to be petty while he already is down but that is just me.