I did what I said I wasn't going to do

Feedback. So a bit more than just using a tired buzzword imo.


Wrong place for that; use the survey that you already mentioned as well as the direct channels, not General Discussion.

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Congrats on finishing. I hit renown 40 a couple of days ago, and it was a relief to be done with that place. It cost me an eye, so now I walk around with an eye-patch. :wink:


I guess you’ll just have to deal with it. Nobody is…forcing…you to read or respond.


Ground out my 40…never going back…blech


And that is the secret to everlasting bliss.

Run, don’t walk, into the wall.

The Storm is Life. The Storm is Love.


Praise be to the Stormwall.

/moo :cow:


2 weeks.

Getting all rewards in 2 weeks is too long



Yeah I think it’s probably the 30 hours (in two weeks) of repeating the same 5 minutes of content that rubs people the wrong way.


I would rather grind to Renown 80 in Plunderstorm than be left powerless waiting for storm RNG to go somewhere besides Azure Span when I’m awake. Thankfully I managed to get at least one storm I didn’t have this morning.

If a grind can be done in under 2 weeks it’s not that long of a grind.

If one chooses to do nothing but something they dislike rather than space it out …that’s a personal choice.


Most grinds could be done in two weeks they just tend to timegate them to prevent that. This one wasn’t time gated. Still a grind.

This I agree with completely.



And I dont have issues with a grind existing.

What measurement and why should we use for limiting it?

What is the appropriate amount of time that it should take to get any reward in WoW? Because I can assure you that Plunderstorm is not the anomaly in “taking too long”.

A person forcing themselves to binge content they don’t like shouldn’t be the standard for needing the timeframe nerfed to get a reward.

I don’t have issue with grinds existing either but when it comes to a renown pursuit it’s usually spread out over multiple locations, with different activities and mini-events involved, some minor group content, etc.

~25 hours of spawn, do quest, die in storm sounds like a grind to me.

People beat AAA titles with full stories in that amount of time so idk what to say.


In a separate game that is completely disconnected from world of warcraft? Yes.


First I’m sorry you or anyone else that didn’t wanna do this felt like you had to do it, second I personally won’t bother with it since I dislike PVP and since it’s pirate centric and don’t like pirate well anything.

Regardless of all that though congrats from me to you.


If someone who hates the game mode and has gone out of their way to express their distain for it, is able to complete the grind in just over a week, I think the grind is fine. :slight_smile:

It isn’t. You’re just mad that you’re not logged into your retail character but that is the only disconnect.


Yes, but at that point you are specifically changing your game play to do that. That is not the intended Plunderstorm gameplay.

How many days should it take to get those rewards? Much shorter and we’d probably have to cut the rewards.

It is disconnected from wow. When you choose Plunderstorm it disconnects and reconnects you to Blizzard services. It’s literally disconnected from wow.


It is the intended route to the fastest renown gain.


Im currently at renown 20
Its not so bad when you do it bit by bit.

Im aiming for 2 renown a day