I demand a refund on the Nightfall I crafted

Or perhaps, I could just take the proc rates I had experienced when I had it on my warrior 15 years ago before it was nerfed. I think I’ll go with that. Plenty of observations which match my own from the time before the nerf in that bug thread. Maybe you should read that instead being a supertroll.

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2 parts per million?

that’s pretty low.


It’s not entitlement. Blizzard has clearly made a mistake. The evidence is quite clear from the bug report thread. Honestly, if I had rolled caster instead of DPS warrior, I would rage quit classic by now. I don’t know how you casters put up with Blizzard’s failure on multiple fronts that affect you. From leeway to insane flask prices to Nightfall not working, I don’t know why you put up with it.

we minmax less and enjoy the game more.

it’s pretty cool.


Memory is a fallible thing.


Why would you defend Blizzard? They clearly aren’t doing their job.


So you’re here to gaslight. Ignored.


they provide me with hundreds of days of entertainment.


Love when people have to announce stuff that no one cares about. You ignored someone? OH NOES!!!


Which you have paid for.

Like making unnecessary comments?

That thread has 29 plus days, with no response. It needs to be seen by a blue.


Added for extra characters to post.

Loyalty has no money value, young paladin.

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Not the best way to negotiate in my opinion.


Exactly. Casters should be livid and it needs more attention than a thread Blizzard hasn’t even bothered with yet. I crafted a Nightfall in Vanilla. I was still using it in 2.3 as an offtank. It worked far better then than it does now. Plenty of discussion from 2005-2007 on how it worked, and more importantly, how often it did. It’s not just my memory. The internet has a record, in that thread I linked, to the stats from the day. Discussions from the day. Current implementation does not match. This needs to be addressed immediately.

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That’s the same thing my 12-year-old says when she’s wrong.


Get in line, the bots were here first.


Leave him alone, hes trying to virtue signal with his buzzwords he saw in Salon magazine


Good luck doing 1/3rd of my dps at 60 bro. Trying to help but you can stay a bottom feeder as long as you like.

Its funny because we have the same parse average… Nice try though

Edited to add - Actually i beat you. I was looking at your tank parses ahahhaha
(Proof - Check Dotmonsune if you doubt me. Thats with no bwl gear also…)

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Clearly offering nothing of value to the thread. Blatant trolling pal.

Username is relevant.

Loyal to a corporation… I’ll never understand why.

The evidence is pretty clear. Blizzard at least could respond at the bare minimum but even that is too much to ask sometimes.

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