I deleted WoW

So the issues here is - for me - “best and most efficient” when referring to a game. I play a game because its FUN. I don’t ever grind rep, well I did once so I could roll a VE mage. I didn’t grind rep for pathfinder. and never will. - too much like a job. There’s that fun factor kicking in again.

You’re going to be mad at yourself when you come back and have to re-download the whole thing over again. Everyone comes back eventually.

Grats! Bye!

People that have played WoW for a long time and are somehow able to go to final fantasy confuse me. I tried final fantasy out and… it’s really boring lol. No idea why people hype it up so much. It was if the word MEH was made into a physical video game.

All I’m saying Square Employee #42069, is to just get some better material. If you’re going to troll our forums at least do it with some style.

I like the story focus FFXIV has, but just like any other MMO but kinda-sorta GW2 that’s just… a few hours per patch then nothing. Class Design is fantastic, but it comes at the cost of having zero options to differentiate yourself, fewer classes overall, and the notably slower combat pacing.

Endgame is structured a lot like Cata era WoW, but it leans so far into “deterministic gearing” that actual drops don’t matter - only currencies do - and you know exactly what you’ll be wearing and when from day 1, which contributes a LOT to the game feeling like a chore list. It’s one of the main reasons I can’t get any motivation to play FFXIV for more than maybe a cumulative month per expansion.

The other major reason is just the fact that it has no mid-tier content. There’s no real normal/heroic raid equivalent in FFXIV. You either do LFR or you do Mythic. And Dungeon content isn’t real. You farm it daily/weekly for the mandatory currency because BiS but it’s all entry level Heroic Dungeon equivalent stuff you have to turn your brain off for. WoW is great at providing content for different levels of players. FFXIV is not.

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anddd ???

“Any advice for this dungeon? New to FFXIV”
“Turn the music up”


And who might you be?

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certain people im okay with LOTS of nice people and open minded people but there is just a ton of damn toxic people being a PoS for no good reason. that is what i meant. i can give many examples that likely happen on a daily basis or have happened to me. its like bruh im old already tired of this high school type of drama.

i didn’t quit just yet though im just checking out ff14. just not a huge fan of the current content gonna check out ff14 see if i like it or not then decide. i like WoW for my own reasons including the community as well but i do need a break from the bs.

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Ok ill try that I been using thebslowcooker and they are meh af

We’ll see you come 9.1

Especially since there’s absolutely no guarantee that you really did what you say you did.

And you’ll still likely be posting here tho’ you’ve deleted the game, as we see by your activity.

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Does this mean you are Activision employee #32069?

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Like WoW is any better? Content drought at the start of an expansion again. LOL!


It’s about as bad as what we got for proffessions in wow except it takes 50 times longer to max out. There’s nothing out of craftung that’s required to play the game. It’s purely designed to be a time sink which is a detriment to the PvM activities that are few in the game. And yes FATEs and 3 daily hunt is few PvM activities, that provide very, very little reward since you get all the gear fed up to you from LFR and go do a few Edens.

I wish you would have deleted the bookmark to this Forum page along with deleting wow. I swear no one leaves the game quietly anymore they insist on making the most noise about it they possibly can

It’s the internet, I can be whatever you want me to be.

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We were worried about you . That’s for letting us know .


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