Everything you’re saying is in the context of randos in a pug. Look for good guilds on your server (guilds of wow is good for this) who consistently have calendar events scheduled and a robust, active community. Then offer to run your key. Run some smaller keys with guildies. Build a reputation as an active, friendly, helpful member of the guild. Join the Discord. Post Raider io results from guild runs. Identify some of the key players in the guild who run mythics often and successfully, even if they’re not at your caliber yet. You can help build others up — teach, be friendly, don’t be a jerk. Before you know it, you’ll have more m+ opportunities with non-pugs than you know what to do with.
If your mindset is just “What can this guild do for me” then you’re going to have a bad time probably. To actually get the most out of MMO end game, you need to participate in and help build up a community. Treating WoW like an FPS quick game queue at that level is not fun. At that point, I wonder what the purpose even is. What are you even leveling for, if not to be part of something bigger than your one little toon?
game feature exists that the vast majority of players don’t even engage with
They haven’t ruined anything. M+ is something for a very small, yet disproportionately vocal, minority. The vast majority of people don’t give a crap and don’t feel the game is “ruined”.
Yeah the removal of 0-10 was silly, M0 and heroics do not teach you how to run the dungeons in a higher level key (e.g., +10 now), because they are so easy you can ignore nearly every mechanic and the expectation is to mass pull everything to the boss as a result. There are some big pulls you do in high keys, but you need to learn those pulls earlier in a setting where there’s an actual challenge and there’s time to do your rotations. A lot of specs just don’t online in heroics/M0 also (e.g., affliction warlocks), because things die so fast to classes with upfront burst (e.g., ret paladins and frost DKs), that they never learn how to play.
2800+ is a pretty small subset of players. He’s basically running into the cap for what you can realistically do in a pug around +12, where most serious players stop running in pugs and stop inviting non-meta specs. It always happens at some key level, but they arbitrarily made a huge difficulty step at +12 with the affix so for most it happens there now, whereas it was a bit more fluid around the higher keys before and so it didn’t feel like you were hitting a ceiling quite as much and it often depended on the weekly affixes how high you could go in each dungeon.
I haven’t even touched a dungeon key yet I just have no motivation after they went and made them all annoying to do. I wish we could go back to season 3 of DF mythic+ it was much better.
I don’t run them anymore because the loot drops suck at the end. My son runs M+ until he gets keymaster but even he complains that only 1 person gets a piece of gear and usually it is a piece he or she cannot even use.
IMO the terrible loot system is one reason a lot of people do not run M+ anymore and I am one of them.
Because people can be stupid and cruel, I mean you run that dungeon on any other difficulty they ALWAYS leave if they don’t get that dang trinket and mythic plus drops a higher level one so there is a chance however small some folk will brick keys over that dang trinket. Making a trinket like that being good for all roles was a mistake as even tanks leave if they don’t get it which is annoying.
i ran a 2 on my holy priest alt just 5 mins ago, ara kara. whole dungeon was fine with me healing. last boss wipe 3 times and call it quits. dps don’t use defensives, don’t use their own cleanse, fail mechanics. Like, it’s instilled in me before I start every season to watch youtube vids and guides. I don’t really blame dps players although they are the bane of my existence. The game itself doesn’t teach anybody anything at all about survival or how to play their own class. They download dps meters and think that’s all that matters. It has always been like this since vanilla, minus a few addons.
Mythics have sucked since they shrink them down in season 4 of dragon flight but no one wants to hear it. The “just do delves” comments when someone brings it up is why mythic+ will keep going down hill. M+ is going to be left with people that have a full group and people who cant solo delves.
I don’t know your source of the numbers. If your number is correct, it only confirms that M+ is a dead scene.
Among 8 million subscribers, only 413k has done all +2s, that is only 5% of player base, 23k has completed all +11s, that is 0.25%.
And I don’t know if those 413k are characters or accounts. If they are characters, then they can be from even far less players that playing M+ on multiple characters.
Which Hero Talents are you using? I haven’t set my Holy spec up yet…
To be fair, they may not realize that you have to CC the adds break free of them. I didn’t realize the first few times and kept trying to DPS the add down and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working before giving up and just BoFing it…It’s going to be fun on Disc, since the only interrupts I have are Psychic Scream and Void Tendrils.
Well, in the case of the adds that root you, it’s counter-intuitive to have to free yourself via CC rather than simply DPSing them. I don’t know why they designed the fight this way, except, maybe they were afraid players would accidentally free themselves early by using an ability that had AoE?
I don’t want to be “that guy”, but if you cannot solo delves, you were never going to have success in M+.
To me it has always been the timer in M+ that drove me away. Back when I try them out back in legion before i quit playing for a few years. Never understood it them still don’t get it now why make such a rush feast, and yes I know they give you a decent enough time to finish them but in my opinion it still a very poor way to put difficulty into said content
I know there more to it like affixes, new ability, and everything just hits harder and I guess without the timer you could say well people need to be able to fail and yes that true but it seem from what I hear that the punishment for failure seem abit to high and create alot of the toxicity build around the M+ system.
I was speaking in general, not just ara kara. In general, new players that quest and/or dungeon grind are taught to let the healer deal with everything. It’s not good, and it’s been happening for well over a decade. Gone are the days of questing and one extra mob pull and you’re dead…It’s probably hopeless.
I think it’s more that they’re taught that healing doesn’t matter at all because nothing really hurts until you hit a certain point. And at that point it starts to hurt a lot. Then they have no experience at all in dealing with it.