I definitely finally realize why everyone is quitting M+

True, true

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And Iā€™ll just add a couple of thoughts to this:

Despite maining a healer, I myself have been guilty of tunnelling when playing my DPS toons. Itā€™s often not until, as Myzrym said, that I start dying that I realize, ā€œOh, yeah, I should probably use a defensive here.ā€ :sweat_smile:

Also, while I have yet to do any M+ this season, it does sound like many players are starting too high up and need more practice at lower levels, not just in terms of dungeon mechanics, but also in terms of mastering their spec.

That being said, I can sympathize to some extent with the urge to start higher: my item level is 602, with many items already higher than that, meaning if I want to gear up via EoD gear, Iā€™d have to run +6 or higher. But Iā€™m a season player and I listen to the community, and I donā€™t think I would dare do anything higher than a +3 for my initial forays. :sweat_smile:

Wouldnā€™t it be so cool if blizzard designed a mage tower like experience where you have to survive an M+ like experience? Using all your cooldowns, timing your rotation perfectly, getting in those interruptsā€¦ Not tryhard difficulty because they already know the game and they know the score, but blizz made something for casuals and semi casuals that actually teaches you how to play the game? itā€™d be so cool

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raider io

it isnt clear if it is accounts or characters. I have never been able to figure that out.

I honestly think itā€™s a combination of a few things.

  1. The meta classes are so much better than the other classes.

This leads to people playing non-fotm classes to basically be forced to make their own groups. At least you are on a shaman, Iā€™m 2900 score with over half the 12s in time and a few 13s. I canā€™t get an invite to run either of the last 3 keys I need on 12. If I want to M+ as a mage Iā€™m making my own group.

  1. The jump in key difficulty from 11 to 12 is very steep

This leads to people creating their groups being very, very picky. If I canā€™t get an invite as a 2900 mage and Iā€™m being forced to run my own key you best be sure Iā€™m not inviting anyone who I think is going to brick it. You better be 629 minimum and at least 2850 and also a shaman.

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Oh ok that sounds like fun to perfectly execute some survival type challenge.

Oh okay so you wouldnā€™t have to use all your cooldowns, nor time your rotation perfectly or get all the interrupts?

YOU might not care if your time is wasted, but donā€™t expect others to be so naive & ignorant to how they feel about their own time being wasted.

Game is not ruined, other wise you wouldnt be at 2.8k IO, specially playing the favored healer for the start of the season.

Above that IO or at any point a player is having trouble getting into keys, they run keys with their trusted M+ friends.

But I guess you knew that already anyway :roll_eyes:

If I wanted guaranteed success, I would do content that has guaranteed success. If everything is a waste of time unless if you win, play trivial content so it always happens.

I am so tired of hearing this cliche of a forum comment.

Last week I ran my own key a ton, and got mists 3 times.

Running your own key is good for breaking into new key levels, but results in a really lopsided score. If you are trying to raise your score, you need to do a combination of running your own key, and using other peopleā€™s key or you will wind up having a 9 in one dungeon and a 13 in another.

I have only been going for the 2k or 2500 for ksm each season for a very long time. No reason to even bother going further, donā€™t gain anything worthwhile. Iā€™m not competitive anymore, I get my mount and stop lol.

If M+ does not work for you, maybe Raid would do. TWW seems points everyone to do Raid. There are 2 Raid Dungeons now instead of just one. I was expecting a Megadungeon; instead another Raid dungeon.

So now healers and tanks no longer have a pool of desperate begging DPS to pick and choose from and they are experiencing the same BS they forced others to sit through.

Oh my gosh the horror. (Whistles while doing a delve)

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But a lopsided score is not an issue here.

Why not? Itā€™s no fun getting the same key over and over when one just wants to run that one dungeon with the drop or score increase

Because thatā€™s not the chief complaint?

Iā€™d say this is pretty relevant. If the OP had the key they wanted to run, they could form their own group. Maybe they donā€™t want to run stonevault for the 3rd time

Theyā€™re not failing keys, and a lopsided score would still help because itā€™s more than what they have. And thatā€™s helpful for pugging.

Sure getting a higher key level is great, but it may be a path of more resistance than simply timing the one that is in range.

And if EVERYONE only ran their own key, there would not be pug groups, or any groups at all. A healthy balance is required

They did DemonHunters the dirtiest. They already had less armor across the board comoared to all other tanks, then they got lowered even more because they lowered all other tanks pretty much a dps with def cooldowns at that point.